Is there any change to set the port to use when connecting to a PPTP VPN from a Mac?

I configured a VPN at home from Server 2008 so I can access my home server and use ports like RDP, VNC, IMAPS (Gmail), ..., that are blocked at my workplace.

The problem is that port 1723 is also blocked. So I configured my home router to accept requests on port 443 (HTTPS) and forward it to port 1723 of the VPN Server.

Can I tell the OSX to use port 443 instead of 1723 for that VPN connection?

1 Answer 1


It's not going to work. PPTP uses TCP port 1723 as a control port. Once that's established your actual tunnel is built as a GRE tunnel. If port 1723 is filtered then GRE is likely filtered as well.

I would suggest using OpenVPN instead. It's quite easy to set up and you can make it use only TCP port 443.

  • Ok, thanks... I was expecting that answer, but worth the try... I didn't wanted to use VPN because lack of iPhone support... But it is better than nothing! Thanks! Commented Oct 3, 2011 at 9:17

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