How do I reinstall the TCP/IP protocol driver on Windows 7?

3 Answers 3


Reinstall and reset TCP/IP (Internet protocol)

  1. Click on the Start button.
  2. Type Cmd in the Start Search text box.
  3. Press Ctrl + Shift + Enter keyboard shortcut to run a command prompt as administrator. Allow elevation request.
  4. Type netsh int ip reset in the command prompt shell, and then press the Enter key.
  5. Restart the computer.

Note: if you're using manually assigned TCP/IP settings, take notes as this will reset to the default 'automatically obtained'.

  • would you mind telling us a little more detailed about your problem?
    – Molly7244
    Commented Aug 28, 2009 at 2:18
  • whats the difference between doing this, and using "add new hardware" then select "windows tcp ip protocol driver" ? this work fo XP, in win7 there's no such option ...
    – user8228
    Commented Aug 28, 2009 at 2:23
  • are you looking for TCPIP.SYS? please tell us exactly what you want to achieve.
    – Molly7244
    Commented Aug 28, 2009 at 2:53
  • well, I want to reinstall all the files and settings related to the tcp/ip driver.
    – user8228
    Commented Sep 11, 2009 at 22:17
  • funny, only this afternoon one of my windows 7 VMs crashed due to a corrupt driver (tcpip.sys), as suggested, a repair installation solved the issue.
    – Molly7244
    Commented Sep 11, 2009 at 22:50

Reinstall and reset TCP/IP (Internet Protocol) for Windows 7 (32 and 64):

  1. Click on Start button.
  2. Click on Accessories.
  3. Right click on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator.
  4. Type netsh int IP reset C:\resetlog.txt in the Command Prompt shell, and then press the Enter key. Do not restart computer.
  5. Type netsh winsock reset in the Command Prompt shell, and then press the Enter key.
  6. Restart the computer.

You'll find a log with the changes in C:\resetlog.txt.


I have used this a thousand times. How to reset TCP/IP by using the NetShell utility provides an EXE file to automatically do that reset for you.

  • it's just an automated version of "netsh int ip reset"
    – user8228
    Commented Aug 28, 2009 at 19:27

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