When I run a diagnostic test on my 5 year old Dell Inspiron it says the following

enter image description here

I have been facing a small problem recently. I want to know if it's related to this.

I have wireless mouse with a USB receiver. I sleep my Laptop all the time, when I wake it up from sleep, the mouse works. But for the last month or so, every other time, the mouse doesn't work & I have to remove the USB receiver & connect it back for the mouse to start working.

These are my advanced Power USB settings

enter image description here

I don't think this has changed recently? What could be the problem?

I am running Windows 10. The wireless mouse is also Dell less than a year old & batteries also changed recently.

  • 1. Try disabling USB selective suspend, at least when plugged in. 2. If the USB truly failed, no deice would work in it at all, so I'd ignore the test results for now. The issue may have been caused by a Windows update. To see if there is a hardware issue, boot from a USB, e.g., with Windows RE or Ubuntu Live -- no need to install anything on the PC's drive. Let the computer sleep a few times, then see if the issue recurs. If not, then Windows OS is at fault; try SFC and DISM to repair, or reinstall Windows, keeping files. Commented Aug 6, 2023 at 19:35
  • Tried disabling USB selective suspend. Doesn't help
    – user93353
    Commented Aug 8, 2023 at 3:26


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