tl;dr; I would like to send emails using my domain extensions. I own some domains registered on Gandi, and I would like to send you an email using an email address using this domain extension.

Recently Gandi removed its free mailing service. From long ago, I have domains registered on Gandi + an email redirection to my Gmail address (in order to receive emails sent to [email protected]) + a [email protected] email account on Gandi (allowing me to send emails using my domain extension) + eventually a "Send mail as" rule on Gmail that uses the SMTP server of Gandi postmaster account. With this, I can receive emails from all my domains on my Gmail account, and I can select from Gmail from which email (domain) I would like to send my email.

Unfortunately, since the Gandi migration, I cannot use the free postmaster account anymore. Thus I cannot send emails from Gmail with my domain emails.

What option do I have to send emails as before, if possible signed and without headers from my gmail account?

I was thinking about getting a VM, modifying the DNS entry on my domains, installing a postfix server and trying to find a good tutorial, but I've read this from DigitalOcean:

As of June 22, 2022, DigitalOcean is blocking SMTP for all new accounts. As a part of this new policy, we have partnered with SendGrid so our customers can still send emails with ease.

Not sure what it means, and not sure how can I fix my issue.

  • 1
    @1NN I have edited my question. Tell me if it is more understandable.
    – nowox
    Commented Jul 19, 2023 at 9:17
  • Have you looked into any other VM hosts besides DigitalOcean? Commented Jul 19, 2023 at 9:47
  • @nowox 1) Which part about SendGrid isn't clear? They're a service that allows you to send outgoing mail from a server (sendgrid.com/pricing) 2) You should be able to setup the Gmail Sand As using Google's own SMTP by using your Gmail credentials for the SMTP credentials Commented Jul 19, 2023 at 11:04
  • Gmail doesn't want me to use Google SMTP to send emails from another email address.
    – nowox
    Commented Jul 19, 2023 at 15:08
  • What settings did you use? Try following hostinger.com/tutorials/how-to-use-free-google-smtp-server Commented Jul 19, 2023 at 15:15

1 Answer 1


I ran into this myself. I couldn't figure out how to get Gmail to log into Gandi's SMTP server (Gandi was denying all requests no matter which user/email I tried, even the [email protected] username that worked before). I even tried just giving Gandi the ridiculous $42/year they wanted for a paid mailbox, with no luck - Gmail still couldn't authenticate to send outgoing mail through them.

I finally solved it by transferring my domain to namecheap, which has a private email service thing, which along with the domain was a fraction of the price of Gandi. And Gmail SMTP was able to authenticate with it instantly. 🤷‍♀️

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