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Send email from gmail on behalf ofas another email address? from an owned domain name

tl;dr; I would like to send emails using my domain extensions. I own some domains registered on Gandi, and I would like to send you an email using an email address using this domain extension.

Recently Gandi removed theirits free mailing service. From long ago, I had domainhave domains registered inon Gandi, a + an email redirection to my gmailGmail address, (in order to receive emails sent to [email protected]) + a [email protected] addressemail account on Gandi and(allowing me to send emails using my domain extension) + eventually a "Send mail as" rule usingon Gmail that uses the gandiSMTP server of Gandi postmaster account. With this, I can receive emails from all my domains on my Gmail account, and I can select from Gmail from which email (domain) I would like to send my email.

Unfortunately, since the Gandi migration, I cannot use this featurethe free postmaster account anymore. Thus I cannot send emails from Gmail with my domain emails.

What option coulddo I usehave to send emailemails as before, if possible signed and without headers from my gmail account?

I amwas thinking to register toabout getting a VM, modifying the DNS entry on DigitalOcean and installmy domains, installing a SMTPpostfix server. Does it look and trying to find a good idea?

Notetutorial, I havebut I've read this onfrom DigitalOcean:

As of June 22, 2022, DigitalOcean is blocking SMTP for all new accounts. As a part of this new policy, we have partnered with SendGrid so our customers can still send emails with ease.

Not sure what it means, and not sure how can I fix my issue.

Send email from gmail on behalf of another email address?

Recently Gandi removed their free mailing service. From long ago, I had domain registered in Gandi, a email redirection to my gmail address, a [email protected] address on Gandi and a "Send mail as" rule using the gandi server.

Unfortunately, since the Gandi migration, I cannot use this feature anymore. What option could I use to send email if possible signed and without headers from my gmail account?

I am thinking to register to a VM on DigitalOcean and install a SMTP server. Does it look a good idea?

Note, I have read this on DigitalOcean:

As of June 22, 2022, DigitalOcean is blocking SMTP for all new accounts. As a part of this new policy, we have partnered with SendGrid so our customers can still send emails with ease.

Not sure what it means

Send email from gmail as another email address from an owned domain name

tl;dr; I would like to send emails using my domain extensions. I own some domains registered on Gandi, and I would like to send you an email using an email address using this domain extension.

Recently Gandi removed its free mailing service. From long ago, I have domains registered on Gandi + an email redirection to my Gmail address (in order to receive emails sent to [email protected]) + a [email protected] email account on Gandi (allowing me to send emails using my domain extension) + eventually a "Send mail as" rule on Gmail that uses the SMTP server of Gandi postmaster account. With this, I can receive emails from all my domains on my Gmail account, and I can select from Gmail from which email (domain) I would like to send my email.

Unfortunately, since the Gandi migration, I cannot use the free postmaster account anymore. Thus I cannot send emails from Gmail with my domain emails.

What option do I have to send emails as before, if possible signed and without headers from my gmail account?

I was thinking about getting a VM, modifying the DNS entry on my domains, installing a postfix server and trying to find a good tutorial, but I've read this from DigitalOcean:

As of June 22, 2022, DigitalOcean is blocking SMTP for all new accounts. As a part of this new policy, we have partnered with SendGrid so our customers can still send emails with ease.

Not sure what it means, and not sure how can I fix my issue.

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Recently Gandi removed their free mailing service. From long ago, I had domain registered in Gandi, a email redirection to my gmail address, a [email protected] address on Gandi and a "Send mail as" rule using the gandi server.

Unfortunately, since the Gandi migration, I cannot use this feature anymore. What option could I use to send email if possible signed and without headers from my gmail account?

I am thinking to register to a VM on DigitalOcean and install a SMTP server. Does it look a good idea?

Note, I have read this on DigitalOcean:

As of June 22, 2022, DigitalOcean is blocking SMTP for all new accounts. As a part of this new policy, we have partnered with SendGrid so our customers can still send emails with ease.

Not sure what it means

Recently Gandi removed their free mailing service. From long ago, I had domain registered in Gandi, a email redirection to my gmail address, a [email protected] address on Gandi and a "Send mail as" rule using the gandi server.

Unfortunately, since the Gandi migration, I cannot use this feature anymore. What option could I use to send email if possible signed and without headers from my gmail account?

I am thinking to register to a VM on DigitalOcean and install a SMTP server. Does it look a good idea?

Recently Gandi removed their free mailing service. From long ago, I had domain registered in Gandi, a email redirection to my gmail address, a [email protected] address on Gandi and a "Send mail as" rule using the gandi server.

Unfortunately, since the Gandi migration, I cannot use this feature anymore. What option could I use to send email if possible signed and without headers from my gmail account?

I am thinking to register to a VM on DigitalOcean and install a SMTP server. Does it look a good idea?

Note, I have read this on DigitalOcean:

As of June 22, 2022, DigitalOcean is blocking SMTP for all new accounts. As a part of this new policy, we have partnered with SendGrid so our customers can still send emails with ease.

Not sure what it means

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Send email from gmail on behalf of another email address?

Recently Gandi removed their free mailing service. From long ago, I had domain registered in Gandi, a email redirection to my gmail address, a [email protected] address on Gandi and a "Send mail as" rule using the gandi server.

Unfortunately, since the Gandi migration, I cannot use this feature anymore. What option could I use to send email if possible signed and without headers from my gmail account?

I am thinking to register to a VM on DigitalOcean and install a SMTP server. Does it look a good idea?