I tried to enable Systemd on a just installed Debian 12 distribution. It's just not working and I want to know why.
I want to have the current stable version of Debian and access to some repos. So I tried to import Debian 12 from a docker container export and with easyWSL.


  • Installing Debian 12 on WSL with docker or easyWSL
  • echo "[boot] systemd=true" > /etc/wsl.conf
  • restart wsl


PS C:\Users\user> wsl -d test
Catastrophic failure
Error code: Wsl/Service/CreateInstance/E_UNEXPECTED

I don't know what this error means or how to handle it. The only possibility to recover the distribution is to mount the ext4.vhdx in wsl and edit /etc/wsl.conf with another distribution.

It would be very helpful to get Bookworm running including systemd.

Thanks already :)

1 Answer 1


Did you install these 2 packages:

apt install -y systemd systemd-sysv

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