I have a video file in which the video and subtitles are about 27.3 seconds ahead of the audio. I'd like to sync them back up. I followed the instructions on this post: In ffmpeg, how to delay only the audio of a .mp4 video without converting the audio? but the result was that I lost both the subtitles and the audio entirely.

I ran this command:

ffmpeg -i "input.mp4" -itsoffset 27.3 -i "input.mp4" -map 0:v -map 1:a -c copy "movie-audio-delayed.mp4"

And the result is that the video time stamps are still the same (at a glance at least -- watching in VLC, the scene at 11:42 is identical in both versions) but the output has no subtitles and no audio.

How do I figure out what I a doing wrong here?


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