I am on macOS.

Here is my source file:



let "version+=1"
echo Compiling version $version up from $o_ver

# . . . many more lines

I want to extract the version number (42 in this case) and use it to set the r_ver variable in the following bash script:


r_ver= ??

I tried using grep but most examples use the -P flag not available on macOS.

1 Answer 1


The following command extracts lines from sourcefile that start with version= (possibly indented):

<sourcefile grep '^[[:blank:]]*version='

To get the first line only, pipe to head -n 1 (important if there may be more matching lines):

<sourcefile grep '^[[:blank:]]*version=' | head -n 1

Your new script should assign the output of the above command to a variable. The variable will hold like version=42. Then you need to get rid of version=. Final snippet:

r_ver="$(<sourcefile grep '^[[:blank:]]*version=' | head -n 1)"

AFAIK everything I used here is portable.

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