Using Linux, Devuan Release 4 chimaera (Debian derivative--non-systemd, parallel to Bullseye)

I have a Thinkpad x220 laptop. The battery has plenty of power. I can keep the laptop on for a few hours, but I keep getting a pair of notifications popping up saying "Battery Low".

I would like to know:

  1. Is there a way to know what process is triggering this message? a. If not, does anyone recognize or know what process is triggering it.
  2. Why is it triggering when I have a charged battery?

See image below:

battery low

3 Answers 3


That looks a lot like an xmessage window. You'll need to find the running xmessage process and check its parent PID to know what caused the message to be displayed. (Use htop, pstree, etc.)

In general, for most regular windows xprop should reveal the program name and (usually) the process ID.

  • pstree output = lightdm-+-lxsession-+-lxpanel-+-sh---xmessage
    – ajnabi
    Commented May 30, 2022 at 20:28
  • I tried "apt-get remove --purge gnome-power-manager powermgmt-base upower" but I am still getting the message, although now it's just one notification window.
    – ajnabi
    Commented May 30, 2022 at 20:48

You're running lxde. So it will be a notifier/applet/panel app probably starting with "lx".

The linked image is pretty lowres though, so maybe an openbox thing.

Check your obconf (open box config)/ lx session config for something that rhymes with "battery"

As to why it happens...the threshold may be reading wrong, ie it's set at 80% but triggers at 80 full instead of 80% empty. Pure WAG as we don't know where it's coming from.


It's a bug in the power manager due to battery status 'flapping', see this:

power manager notifications repeating incessantly ... power problems?

I'm still looking for a nice solution to this...

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