I am a long (long) time Mac user, who has recently begun working in a company that uses Windows. I am using AutoHotKey to remap the Alt key to Ctrl, to mimic the placement of Mac's cmd key. The issue is, I would also like to retain the use of Alt+Tab to quickly switch between open windows, and I cannot figure out how to do so, even after reading the AutoHotKey docs.

Importantly, I do not have Admin privileges, so cannot use other software like PowerToys. Does anyone know the correct structure of an .ahk file to achieve this?

1 Answer 1


Try this

; remap the Alt key to Ctrl
; and the Ctrl key to Alt:


; retain the use of Alt+Tab:

^Tab:: ; ^ is the symbol for Ctrl
    Send {Alt down}{Tab}
    KeyWait, Ctrl ; wait for Ctrl to be released
    Send {Ctrl up}{Alt up}
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    Commented Sep 15, 2023 at 8:00

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