I've got a domain on GoDaddy at [domain].com that I'm trying to connect to my GitHub Pages at [domain].github.io.

The problem is that my site only shows up at https://[domain].com, not http://[domain].com.

In the GitHub repo, I've added my custom URL as [domain].com, added [domain.com] to the CNAME file, and checked the box to Enforce HTTPS.

On GoDaddy, I've set up the CNAME to direct from www to [domain].github.io, as well as added the four A records as recommended in the docs.

How do I get my site to load using both https:// and http://? I've tried forwarding http:// to https:// on GoDaddy to no avail.

  • 1
    -_- after talking with both GoDaddy and GitHub, all I had to do was reset my cache. Just wanted to note this here in case anyone else has a similar problem.
    – brienna
    Commented Sep 1, 2020 at 14:15


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