I am currently issueing the following problem and by hell, i can't solve it. The > 20 similar threads i found with google are no help.

First of all, i created a simple HTTP to HTTPS redirect, which looks like this:

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name my-domain.com;
    return 301 https://my-domain.com$request_uri;

server {
    listen 443 ssl http2;
    server_name my-domain.com;

And this works perfectly fine. If i try to open my-domain.com, i will get redirected to https:// my-domain.com. But there is still the issue with subdomains. If i open www.my-domain.com or test.my-domain.com, i would like these subdomains to redirect to my root HTTPS domain: https:// my-domain.com. Without any subdomains in front of it. The same should appear for HTTPS subdomains. I literally want to ban any subdomains (for now).

I have tried a lot of configurations, like adding *.my-domain.com to the server_name, and still this doesn't work as expected. I also tried to create a HTTPS redirect from *.my-domain.com to my normal HTTPS domain, and still i have a similar result with each configuration:

  1. All HTTP requests result in a HTTPS url containing the subdomain.
  2. All HTTPS requests never result in a HTTPS url WITHOUT a subdomain in it.

Now my Question: How can i redirect every subdomain(http and https) to a specific https URL containing NO subdomain in it? Every combination should always result in: https:// my-domain.com$request_uri

Thanks in advance


Didn't solve my issue fully, but i have something i can live with. I created a CNAME from www.my-domain.com to my-domain.com in my domain configuration. I also modified nginx and added a new server configuration which redirects from 443 www.my-domain to https:// my-domain. i also have a normal port 80 server which redirects also from www.my-domain to https:// my-domain. I modified my certificate and added www.my-domain to the list of domains and subdomains. Now every request on www.my-domain(http or https) will redirect to https://my-domain. Also my-domain(http and without www.) will redirect to https://my-domain too. This seems "okay" for my needs.

1 Answer 1


You could use a default_server block to match any http and https domains not explicitly defined in another server block. The https part only works properly with wild-card certificates.

server {
    listen 80 default_server;
    listen 443 ssl default_server;
    ... ssl configuration
    return 301 https://example.com$request_uri;

server {
    listen 443 ssl http2;

See this document for details.

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