Why can't I unlimit Google Chrome (it's not even on the list) time limit via Microsoft Family? Every time my child tries to run Google Chrome, there's a warning about time limit and my child has to "ask for time extension", and I have to "allow" this from my Microsoft Family account. My child's laptop is a very recent one, running Windows 10.

I'm trying to get rid of this annoying behaviour and I've removed the screen and "app" limits for my child's laptop but it doesn't have any effect at all for Google Chrome!

enter image description here

Moreover, when I view the Apps whose limits are manageable by Microsoft Family, Google Chrome isn't even on that list. There's Chromium, but no Chrome. I find it very weird:

enter image description here

Is there any other setting I should check on my Microsoft Family account, or on my child's Windows 10 laptop?

Funny thing is, my child can use Edge browser to browse Internet freely so for all practical purposes, there's no time limit for web browsing, but we're used to Chrome, and we really want to get rid of this annoying time warning every single day. To make it more annoying, I can only give a time extension of 3 hours and not more than that.

There must be a way to indicate that no limits should apply to Chrome's running time on that laptop.

Any ideas?

  • Maybe you can try to sign-out and sign-in again? Not sure. Commented Apr 19, 2020 at 10:56

3 Answers 3


Apparently, I needed to look at elsewhere on that page: "Content Restrictions" which is not visible on https://account.microsoft.com/family/ (horrible UX and huge disappointment!)

I had to:

  • click on Activity on the ... main menu (if I can call it that),
  • see on that page the "Apps and games" group, and a "Change restrictions" link associated with that, click on that,
  • click on "Show all" for the "Always blocked" group, and then finally find "Chrome", and click on the "Remove".

Now on my child laptop, whenever he runs Chrome, no more "you should ask for more time" warnings. The problem is finally solved for me. Good luck to other parents who have to deal with Microsoft Family connected devices and various applications running on them.


Thank you so much i was losing my mind... almost 2 years on from your answer and they still haven't fixed this issue or made it more accessible.. thanks again!


P.S Menu has slightly changed for parents looking for this option, log into https://family.microsoft.com then click on your childs profile, then click Content Filters, then click Apps and Games and there you should see Blocked Apps and you can click Chrome Browser and Click Remove.


Chrome being blocked from child account is still an issue that has not been fully fixed. In the settings panel, I did not see option to allow Chrome anywhere at all. What worked for me, was to NOT use Edge as default browser.

  • As it’s currently written, your answer is unclear. Please edit to add additional details that will help others understand how this addresses the question asked. You can find more information on how to write good answers in the help center.
    – Community Bot
    Commented Jun 30 at 13:43
  • So Chrome is blocked and your solution to that problem is not to use Edge? This answer does NOT answer the author's question. The author of the question submitted an answer to their own question. I encourage you to read it to make sure it does not solve your problem.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Jul 1 at 14:34

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