I recently started using the uMatrix extension for Google Chrome and it has been one of the best extensions I use, I really like the extension however I have been having one slight issue that is rather annoying.

Is there a way to have uMatrix always allow specific urls; such as all instances of "ytimg.com"? Every time a website wants to load a YouTube video whether it be Example 1 or Example 2 I have to open umatrix, enable the scripts and frames from youtube.com and ytimg.com every time. Is there a way to have websites of my choosing always be enabled, such as always allowing every instance of youtube.com no matter which website I am on?

1 Answer 1


Sure you can, either via the My Rules tab in the Dashboard or using the matrix. In the upper left corner there's a blue cell designating the current scope of the matrix. Click on it, select the asterisk and allow whatever you want.

Whatever you allow in the global (*) scope is allowed everywhere and essentially whitelisted.

uMatrix menu

Also check out the Very bare walkthrough for first time users over at the uMatrix wiki for more information.

  • Thank you! I really have loved the functionality umatrix has brought and now that I know how to do this it will be even better. Thank you again.
    – Woz
    Commented Jan 26, 2016 at 15:18
  • 2
    I am not seeing a way to do what is requested in the question. I cannot see a way to allow "*.wired.com". If I go to "my rules" I do not see a way to Create A New Rule such as "*.wired.com".
    – JosephK
    Commented Jan 5, 2017 at 6:26

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