I'm upgrading SSD on a MacBook Air 2012 with Mojave from 64GB to 500GB. I've successfully cloned and swapped the drives (using Ubuntu USB stick and dd command). Now the MacOS boots and works as well as before, but I have a 500GB drive with a 60GB partition on it.

I tried to use Disk Utility to resize it to 500GB, but it failed, perhaps because there's a also a Recovery Partition next to it.

If I do a Time Machine Backup now, then repartition the drive, reinstall the OS and do a restore form the Time Machine Backup, will I still end up with a 60GB partition? Is there a better way to resize it?


1 Answer 1


Answering my own question, yes, it's possible. I now have a single 500GB partition after restoring it from a 60GB Time Machine backup. Before restoring it though, I did a secure SSD erase, then made a single 500GB APFS partition. So the whole cloning thing was redundant.

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