I'm trying to compile Asylia via its makefile, with MinGW... Am I using the wrong compiler?

It's seems MinGW is getting stuck on the square brackets in "$(BUILD):"... And square brackets in MinGW are a Unix / Bash thing...

process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, basename C:/Users/Andy/Desktop/Asylia-master, ...) failed.
'[' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

Do I need Cygwin's to run that?

Or some easy edits that I don't know, so MinGW can run the makefile properly?

Oh... MinGW hasn't been updated in years... If that's the issue, I guess my only solution is to install Cygwin's gcc-g++, and then figure out how to compile things with that?

  • Have you tried mingw-w64.org ? It is updated regularly
    – matzeri
    Commented Dec 21, 2018 at 11:05
  • @matzeri - Oh! No, I haven't. Thanks for the link. I'll see how it goes.
    – Malady
    Commented Dec 21, 2018 at 13:34
  • @matzeri - Uhh... How do I run a makefile with it?
    – Malady
    Commented Dec 21, 2018 at 17:10
  • you should install the tools or msys2.org or mingw-w64.org/doku.php/download/mingw-builds.
    – matzeri
    Commented Dec 21, 2018 at 22:25
  • @matzeri - I got the installer from Sourceforge, and ran it. Now what?
    – Malady
    Commented Dec 22, 2018 at 0:32

1 Answer 1


On Cygwin 64 bit.

$ wget https://github.com/Quent42340/Asylia/archive/master.zip
$ unzip master.zip
Archive:  master.zip
   creating: Asylia-master/
   creating: Asylia-master/wiki/
finishing deferred symbolic links:
  Asylia-master/droid/assets/audio -> /home/quentin/Projects/Asylia/audio
  Asylia-master/droid/assets/data -> /home/quentin/Projects/Asylia/data
  Asylia-master/droid/assets/fonts -> /home/quentin/Projects/Asylia/fonts
  Asylia-master/droid/assets/graphics -> /home/quentin/Projects/Asylia/graphics

the last four are broken links as they should not be absolute links but relative one

  Asylia-master/audio == /home/quentin/Projects/Asylia/audio
  Asylia-master/data  == /home/quentin/Projects/Asylia/data
  Asylia-master/fonts == /home/quentin/Projects/Asylia/fonts
  Asylia-master/graphics == /home/quentin/Projects/Asylia/graphics

In any case we can also ignore the issue for the build

$ make
built ... Asylia-master
$ ls -lrt
total 49M
-rwxrwxr-x+ 1 Marco Kein  38M Dec 27 22:39 Asylia-master.exe

To run from an Xterm

$ ./Asylia-master.exe

The package is directly depending only from SDL2 shared libraries

$ cygcheck ./Asylia-master.exe | grep "^  D"

So the following packages are needed

$ cygcheck -cd |grep SDL2
libSDL2-devel                           2.0.7-1
libSDL2_2.0_0                           2.0.7-1
libSDL2_image-devel                     2.0.2-1
libSDL2_image2.0_0                      2.0.2-1
libSDL2_mixer-devel                     2.0.2-1
libSDL2_mixer2.0_0                      2.0.2-1
libSDL2_ttf-devel                       2.0.14-1
libSDL2_ttf2.0_0                        2.0.14-1

plus of course cygwin-devel,make and the compiler

gcc-core                                7.3.0-3
gcc-g++                                 7.3.0-3

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