I have a work environment where I am allowed to use my workstation as I want, but I don't have any support for Linux. If anything doesn't work or is broken I have to fix it myself.

On Windows we use Cisco AnyConnect as a VPN with certificates so we can work from home. Is there a way to copy that certificate on Linux and use it with OpenConnect?

2 Answers 2


OpenConnect supports certificate based authentication. These are probably the options you're looking for:


  Use SSL client certificate CERT which may be either a file name or, 
  if OpenConnect has been built with an appropriate version of GnuTLS, a PKCS#11 URL.


  Use SSL private key KEY which may be either a file name or, if OpenConnect has been built with an appropriate version of GnuTLS, a PKCS#11 URL.

For more details, you can refer to the official manual:


  • 1
    The OpenConnect GUI already helped me with this issue. My main problem is extracting a certificate and key format that the OpenConnect accepts. Commented Dec 18, 2017 at 14:44

openconnect --certificate=certificate.p12 servername

on CentOS 7 helped to connect using the VPN Certificate

  • Can you elaborate on this a little more?
    – Toto
    Commented Jun 3, 2018 at 8:22

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