I have ActiveState Perl 5.10 installed on Windows 2008 machine. I installed ImageMagick-6.8.7-9 Q16 (32-bit) installed. Instead of using ppm to install PerlMagick I built it myself using dmake and gcc because the version of PerlMagick in the ppm repositories only goes up to version 6.83 currently whereas I want 6.87.

After Successfully building PerlMagick and seeing the proof that the files were updated in the 'C:/Perl/site' area I then ran the usual test and it worked:

perl -e "use Image::Magick; print Image::Magick->QuantumDepth"

But when I try start Apache this error appears in Event Viewer:

Can't load 'C:/Perl/site/lib/auto/Image/Magick/Magick.dll' for module Image::Magick: load_file:The pecified procedure could not be found at C:/Perl/lib/DynaLoader.pm line 201.\n

I have installed the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable 32-bit and 64-bit also as recommended on the ImageMagick website.

Is there something I'm missing? Is there even a get around way of getting Apache working as a hack?

Any ideas welcome!

  • 1
    Have you tried to reboot your machine?
    – dlemstra
    Commented Jan 9, 2015 at 10:28

1 Answer 1


Take a look at this posting:

The solution to this problem was to reboot Windows (stopping and starting the Apache 2.2 Windows service also didn't make a difference), even though the path wasn't altered. After rebooting, the ImageMagick-specific lines below didn't cause errors, and the script was compiled and executed successfully and consistently.

One more thing: Make sure you manually download all Windows updates, including right up to the current Service Packs. To make sure you've got all the updates downloaded, keep going back into the Windows Updates system until there are none left to download -- in Windows XP the "Express" mode won't get everything, so you'll need to choose "Custom" and turn everything on (although you won't need the Windows Live stuff).

  • Unfortunately updating windows as much as possible and rebooting didn't do the trick. It might have worked for Windows XP but not server 2008
    – PhillyT
    Commented Jan 9, 2015 at 17:54

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