Sometimes I open profile of a user and he has write the address of his site there, but I don't remember when was the last time I clicked that address. But I have some warnings in computer management\event viewer\administrative events in some days.

I want know why should I have such this warning while I never opened that site and what is the meaning of this?

( I am using windows 7, and if it is needed I can give the address of the site). enter image description here

1 Answer 1


I think that windows tried to contact the DNS servers of your FAI (or the one you manually specified in the connection properties) and that the connection timeout.

Maybe you had a loss of connection, or the DNS server were out a few times, or they where wrongly configure.

  • There were some wrongs in the connection, but why does that site address that is in a web page is in the warning? and I never opened that site!
    – C77431
    Commented May 20, 2011 at 18:07

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