I am currently using the Microsoft High Definition Audio driver provided with Windows 7 rather than the Realtek driver. When playing sound through my computer speakers (plugged into the rear panel jack), I set the volume control to 80. However, my headphones (plugged into the front panel jack) require a volume setting of at most 4.

Volume control set to zero

Windows will remember this setting when I plug/unplug the headphones, but the design of the volume control makes fine-grained volume control impossible (making me wish I had the "Wave/PCM" slider from Windows XP/Linux). Even a volume setting of zero results in clearly audible sound. Is there a way to "zoom in" on the lower part of the volume slider to better control the sound level from my headphones?


2 Answers 2


I don't believe this is possible with the default Windows 7 audio controller [see this]. However third party plugins such as Volumouse or Volume2 can give smaller steps.

Volumouse is pretty basic and should fit your needs, though Volume2 supports more advanced features, such as changing the scale to logarithmic.

  • This is the correct answer. Volumouse works in Windows 7 and can very finely control volume with hotkey support.
    – Jason
    Commented Nov 1, 2014 at 7:52

You could try using the up and down arrow keys instead of the mouse.

  • That's what I did to get the volume settings of 0 and 4; I'm looking for a way to get more than five different settings (and lower settings than 0). Commented May 15, 2011 at 18:13
  • Then there isn’t a way to do it with the built-in volume control. You’ll need to get a third-party tool that can allow your to set the volume using different methods. You can probably find something you’ll like with Google, maybe even one with hotkey support. ;-)
    – Synetech
    Commented May 15, 2011 at 21:37

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