I know this question may sound like a duplicate but I feel like it's slightly different. I am trying to remove all the files from a folder from svn using Powershell

svn delete 'https://someurl/svn/test/Application'

Would delete the entire folder, but I want to delete the file(s)/subfolder(s) inside this "application" folder.

I have tried doing something like svn delete https://someurl/svn/test/Application/*.* or *.zip for the zip files but none of that seems to work.

I've been googling for solutions but most of those question have a physical path involved in their answer. The problem is that my folder is not on the same path/directory than my colleagues are using.

  • Is it possible to loop through all items ans delete them one by one?
    – Falcon
    Commented Feb 11, 2022 at 13:36

1 Answer 1


Way 1

You can delete all objects in your local WC's related directory and commit this change

Way 2

You can't use any wildcard in svn del parameter, but you can enumerate all parameters in two ways

  • Space-separated URLs (beware of common string-length) like svn del URL1 URL2 URL3
  • Using --targets FILE options, there FILE contains all objects for deletion (newline-separated, AFAICR). And FILE is result of ordinary svn ls https://someurl/svn/test/Application > FILE

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