I am trying to download a single file from BitBucket on the linux server. I do have access to the repositories when I try to access it from the web, so it is not permissions issue

I used to be able to use this command

curl --output <output-file-name>  -u <userid>  http://bbserver:7990/projects/prjname/repos/repponame/browse/configurations/infile.txt 

Now, when I tried to execute it, it just downloads an html page

I also tried the below command using the raw path. This also downloads an html page

curl --output  outputfile.txt  -u <userId> http://bbserver:7990/projects/prjname/repos/repponame/raw/configurations/infile.txt?at=refs%2Fheads%2Fmaster

I also tried the wget command - but same output.

What do I need to modify or look at ( or ask help from the linux SA to look at ) to be able to download the single file?

Also, can I download the directory - like configurations above instead of a single file.

Of course, I need to get the download of single file working to be able to go to the next step.

I have searched SO, but these are the commands I found to download a file from BB. Didn't find a solution for what to do when it returns an html file

Thank you

  • Is it not possible anymore? I also tried replacing -u <userid> with "Authorization: Basic <bas64_uid:pwd>" and also Personal Access Token with Bearer for authorization - but get the same result. What is confusing is I used to be able to do it before and do not know what has changed. Hopefully, someone has an answer
    – adbdkb
    Commented Jun 10, 2021 at 17:16

2 Answers 2


Looks like there's an API path that you can use

curl -u user:pwd http://bitbucket:7990/rest/api/1.0/projects/PROJCT_NAME/repos/REPO_NAME/raw/FOLDER/FILE.TXT

If nothing else, the API response will be something more usable than the HTML response. API documentation at


  • If you pass -u user without a password it will prompt you, if you don't want the password in history. Adding -o file.txt will put the content on disk rather than to the terminal.
    – poleguy
    Commented Jun 14, 2023 at 15:58

Maybe better to use git directly as bitbucket seems to be "trying to prevent" this functionality.

git archive --format=tar
--remote=ssh://remote_server/remote_repository master path1/ path2/ | tar -xv


  • Why the 'raw' view would serve html is mind-numbingly stupid. The cynical side of me starts to wonder if Atlassian is trying to knee-cap this functionality to sell some other solution... but then, what's Atlassian's solution? Maybe they are just inept? :-)
    – poleguy
    Commented May 26, 2022 at 15:30

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