I am using following command to download a single webpage with all its images and js using wget in win7:

wget -E -H -k -K -p -e robots=off -P /Downloads/ http://www.vodafone.de/privat/tarife/red-smartphone-tarife.html

It is downloading the html as required, but when I tried to pass on a text file having a list of 3 urls to download, it didn't give any output, below is the command I am using:

wget -E -H -k -K -p -e robots=off -P /Downloads/ -i ./list.txt -B 'http://'

I tried this also:

wget -E -H -k -K -p -e robots=off -P /Downloads/ -i ./list.txt

This text file had urls http:// prepended in it

list.txt contains list of 3 urls which I need to download using a single command. Please help me in resolving this issue.

1 Answer 1


-i ./list.txt looks more like Unix parameter. Try with .\list.txt or like this:

wget -E -H -k -K -p -e robots=off -P /Downloads/ -i list.txt
  • I tried both commands, didn't work :(
    – atams
    Commented Jan 29, 2013 at 10:49

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