How do I get WinSCP to connect to an SSH server with a private key that I specify.

I don't see the option.


  • For example, I have a private key I created with SSH in cygwin. (id_rsa)

    $ ls ~/.ssh -l
      -rw------- 1 user None 2602 Dec 24 17:26 id_rsa
      -rw-r--r-- 1 user None  570 Dec 24 17:28 id_rsa.pub
      -rw-r--r-- 1 user None 4562 Apr 27 08:03 known_hosts
    $ cat .ssh/id_rsa

    And I have already added the Public key (id_rsa.pub), to authorized_keys on the server.

2 Answers 2


On the WinSCP Login dialog, click the Advanced button, go to SSH > Authentication, and in the Private key file box, browse for your private key file:


See also https://winscp.net/eng/docs/ui_login_authentication

If you do not have your key in the PuTTY .ppk format, you will need to change the file filter to All private key files; once you select the SSH key, WinSCP will offer to convert the key for you, saving a copy of the key in .ppk format.


(Martin's answer is quicker than this answer)

The easiest way is to ensure you can connect in PuTTY first since it's very similar to WinSCP: Screenshot1

PuTTY requires the key to be a .ppk [Putty Private Key]

  • How to convert an RSA key (like OpenSSH uses) to a .ppk with PuTTYgen:
    1. FileLoad private key → Change to show all files
    2. Choose id_rsa to load the RSA key → FileSave private key
  • In PuTTY:
    1. ConnectionSSHAuthPrivate key file for authentication → Choose the .ppk
    2. PuTTY asks you to specify the username, which is the same username as with OpenSSH [SSH used in cygwin when executing ssh user@ip]
    3. Now put PuTTY aside, as it helps to know how to connect with PuTTY

At the WinSCP login screen, go to New Site

  1. File protocolSCP [file transfer over SSH]
  2. AdvancedSSHAuthenticationLoad private key → Choose .ppk created above
    PuTTYgen is used to convert an RSA key to a .ppk, which is done in the same way I described above
  • 3
    This is unecessarilly complicated. WinSCP can convert the key for you. See my answer. Commented Apr 27, 2021 at 9:34

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