Having issues installing amdgpu-pro for opencl support for applications like Davinci Resolve. I downloaded and ran the installer as stated on the website.

Version: amdgpu-pro-20.30-1109583-ubuntu-20.04

install succeed using the command: ./amdgpu-pro-install --opencl=legacy,pal --headless

However upon reboot, it seems that they are not being loaded:

dpkg -l amdgpu
dpkg-query: no packages found matching amdgpu

dpkg -l amdgpu-pro
dpkg-query: no packages found matching amdgpu-pro
glxinfo | grep "OpenGL vendor string" | cut -f2 -d":" | xargs

Does anybody have any ideas as to what might be the issue here?

System info:

OS: Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS x86_64 
Host: MS-7B98 1.0 
Kernel: 5.4.0-42-generic 
Uptime: 1 hour, 20 mins 
Packages: 1801 (dpkg), 8 (snap) 
Shell: bash 5.0.17 
Resolution: 1920x1200 
WM: Mutter 
WM Theme: Adwaita 
Theme: Yaru [GTK2/3] 
Icons: Yaru [GTK2/3] 
Terminal: gnome-terminal 
CPU: Intel i5-9600KF (6) @ 4.600GHz 
GPU: AMD ATI Radeon RX 470/480/570/5 
Memory: 1414MiB / 32052MiB 
  • have you tried sudo ./amdgpu-pro-install --opencl=legacy,pal --headless ??
    – vssher
    Commented Aug 14, 2020 at 0:04

1 Answer 1


Your Ubuntu version is Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS. There is AMD Radeon's driver for that specific version. You can check this : https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-amdgpu-unified-linux-20-45

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