I have an awk script that generates a summary of several columns based on specific rules. I need to achieve the same on a Windows server running PowerShell v4.


The idea is to group all records that share the same Station (field 2) and Currency (field 3) and then:

  1. Calculate the sum of Fcy Amount for the group (field 4)
  2. Calculate sum of LCY amount for the group (field 5)
  3. Calculate field 5/field 4 (i.e. exch rate)
  4. Get the average exch rate (exch/no. of items per group)

The result I'm looking for is this. I am stripping out the header:


I used the awk script below to achieve this:

tail -n+2 TEST.CSV | awk 'BEGIN{FS="|";OFS=","}
{for (i in fcy_tot)
printf "%s %.2,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%s\n",

It's a one-liner but I've broken it here for clarity.

What have I done so far?

I did some Googling and landed on the group-object function but I was only able to find the sum on one field using the measure -sum command. I need guidance on how to create custom calculations on multiple specific fields.

  • What version of PowerShell are you using? It matters, because Measure-Object in PowerShell 6 (PowerShell Core) supports a more extensive set of capabilities than previous versions did, including being able to specify multiple fields for calculations, and provision of a scriptblock for calculations. See Microsoft Docs on Measure-Object for PS6 Commented Apr 10, 2019 at 17:29
  • Also, you don't need to convert the file from being delimited with | to being delimited with ,; PowerShell's Import-CSV allows you to specify a -Delimiter parameter since PS4. Commented Apr 10, 2019 at 17:34
  • I'm using PowerShell v4 on Windows Server 2012
    – masterl
    Commented Apr 10, 2019 at 17:36

1 Answer 1


Given the input file is input.txt in the above format,

this script ( could also be formatted as a one liner) :

Import-Csv .\input.txt -Delim '|'|Group-Object Station,Ccy | ForEach-object {
    $Fcy,$Lcy = ($_.Group|Measure-Object Fcy,lcy -Sum).Sum
    $ExchRate = $Lcy / $Fcy
    $AvgExchR = $ExchRate / $_.Count
        TxnStat = $_.Group[0].TxnStat
        Station = $_.Group[0].Station
        Ccy     = $_.Group[0].Ccy  
        Fcy     = $Fcy.ToString('0.00')
        Lcy     = $Lcy.ToString('0.00')
        ExchRate= $ExchRate.ToString('0.00')
        AvgExchR= $AvgExchR.ToString('0.00')
        Date    = $_.Group[0].Date
} | Format-Table -AutoSize # Format-Object just to visualize


TxnStat Station Ccy Fcy      Lcy   ExchRate AvgExchR Date
------- ------- --- ---      ---   -------- -------- ----
NEW     BRANCH  USD 1250.00  30.00 0.02     0.01     20190410
NEW     ATM     GBP 150.00   35.00 0.23     0.12     20190410
NEW     BRANCH  GBP 200.00   47.00 0.24     0.24     20190410

Looks like you swapped Fcy,Lcy in you sample output.

To output as a csv without header replace the Format-Table with

| ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation | Select-Object -Skip 1 | Set-Content output.csv

But Export-Csv/ConvertTo-Csv double quote all fields


That could also be dealt with, with a bit effort.

I didn't check explicitly if I used post PSv4 commands.

## Q:\Test\2019\04\10\SU_1423881.ps1

$Output = Import-Csv .\input.txt -Delim '|' | Group-Object Station,Ccy | ForEach-object {
    $Fcy,$Lcy = ($_.Group | Measure-Object Fcy,lcy -Sum).Sum
    $Prod = [Double] 0; ($_.Group|ForEach-Object{$Prod+=[Double]$_.Fcy*$_.Lcy})
    $ExchRate = $Lcy / $Fcy
    $AvgExchR = $ExchRate / $_.Count
        TxnStat = $_.Group[0].TxnStat
        Station = $_.Group[0].Station
        Ccy     = $_.Group[0].Ccy
        Fcy     = $Fcy.ToString('0.00')
        Lcy     = $Lcy.ToString('0.00')
        ExchRate= $ExchRate.ToString('0.00')
        AvgExchR= $AvgExchR.ToString('0.00')
        AvgWeigh= ($Prod / $Fcy).ToString('0.00')
        Date    = $_.Group[0].Date
$Output | Format-Table -AutoSize
#$Output | ConvertTo-Csv -Not | Select-Object -Skip 1 | Set-Content output.csv

Sample output:

> .\SU_1423881.ps1

TxnStat Station Ccy Fcy     Lcy   ExchRate AvgExchR AvgWeigh Date
------- ------- --- ---     ---   -------- -------- -------- ----
NEW     BRANCH  USD 1250,00 30,00 0,02     0,01     12,00    20190410
NEW     ATM     GBP 150,00  35,00 0,23     0,12     20,00    20190410
NEW     BRANCH  GBP 200,00  47,00 0,24     0,24     47,00    20190410
  • Thank you! This is definitely more elegant than what I'd come up with. I got a way to deal with the quotes thanks to this [link] (sqlmovers.com/removing-quotes-from-csv-created-by-powershell) Is there a way to calculate a weighted average as opposed to 'normal' average'? The formula has been given as: sum((Lcy*Fcy))/sum(Fcy) So the ` Lcy*Fcy` should be done at individual row level to create a group sum. The group sum of the Lcy * Fcy is divided by the group sum of Fcy. Like this: ` lcyfcy[$2$3]+=($4*$5);fcy_tot[$2$3]+=$4; {avgexch=lcyfcy[i]/fcy_tot[i]; `
    – masterl
    Commented Apr 11, 2019 at 13:13
  • Let me see if I got that right the sum of the products of Fcy*Lcy (per row in the group) divided by the sum of sum of Fcy , I'll post an edit in a minute.
    – LotPings
    Commented Apr 11, 2019 at 14:14
  • the sum is row in the file not row in the group: So for each row we need to get the products of Fcy * Lcy before grouping them. I think an additional field is required to hold the value of Fcy * Lcy on the original file. Then use measure-object sum to divide the 2 sums.
    – masterl
    Commented Apr 11, 2019 at 14:33
  • I disagree, a sum per file would intermix currencys.
    – LotPings
    Commented Apr 11, 2019 at 14:38
  • 1
    The consolidation is also per currency so it will not intermix the currencies. I have solved it by adding an extra field in the csv: ` Import-Csv .\text.txt -Delimiter "|" | Select-Object *,@{Name='LcyFcy';Expression={[long]$_.Lcy*[long]$_.Fcy}} ` The result of this is then piped to the script from LotPings
    – masterl
    Commented Apr 11, 2019 at 14:54

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