i need to use a VPN to connect to some ressources my container needs. Therefore I use the integrated openconnect client in my Ubuntu network manager. When I am connected to the VPN, from inside the Docker container I

  • can access normal http sites
  • can access http sites only availble in my VPN
  • cannot access any https sites in VPN or internet (I even don't get timeout)

From inside my host terminal I can access any site http and https. I tested this with curl because my VPN blocks Ping outside my local network.

When I disconnect from VPN, from inside my docker container I

  • can access normal http sites
  • cannot access any sites only available in my VPN (obviously)
  • can access normal https sites

So I could narrow my problem down being dependent on my VPN connection, but also only occuring inside Docker container.

Why is this happening and how can I reach HTTPS sites in my VPN from inside the Docker container?

1 Answer 1


I had the same issue on Ubuntu 17.10, and resolved it by using the openconnect commandline utility with DTLS disabled instead of Ubuntu's NetworkManager to connect to my VPN.

openconnect VPNURL --user=USER --interface=tun0 --no-dtls

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