I want to mount an ISO image silent to a specific drive letter on Windows 7, without installing third-party software. I tried with WinCDEmu Portable but it needs to be started with gui once to install the driver. Is there any way to get this done?

2 Answers 2


I found a solution. It is possible with OSFMount. After installed on a machine once, it's sufficient to copy OSFMount.com and OSFMount.sys from install dir to make it portable.

My batch script looks like this:

@echo off
set disk1=\\path\to\my\disk1.iso
set disk2=\\path\to\my\disk2.iso
set drive1=M:
set drive2=N:
.\OSFMount.com -a -t file -f %disk1% -m %drive1% 
.\OSFMount.com -a -t file -f %disk2% -m %drive2% 

%drive1%\setup.exe -silent -media_dir2 %drive2%

.\OSFMount.com -d -m %drive1%
.\OSFMount.com -d -m %drive2%
exit 0
  • I've added the WINCDEMU version aswell. use "set VAR=%~dp0" to find current BAT file location so u can do a "portable" variant of your script
    – dExIT
    Commented Jul 25, 2017 at 14:25
  • I will upvote yours, please upvote mine, and select which answer u see fit.
    – dExIT
    Commented Jul 25, 2017 at 14:25

Please check with WINCDEMU portable, save the below script as .CMD file or .BAT, and place it in your USB flash drive (because it is portable so I thought).

    @echo off
    sleep 5
    set iso1="PATH-TO-ISO"
    set iso2="PATH-TO-ISO"
    set emupath=%~dp0
cd %emupath%
    echo "Mounting ISO = %iso1%"
    batchmnt %iso1%
        echo "Mounted !!"
    ping -n 6 > nul
    batchmnt %iso2%

--- Win8 +

This is doable through : PowerShell Mount-DiskImage

$mountResult = Mount-DiskImage C:\myISO.iso -PassThru
$volumeiso = $mountResult | Get-Volume

Then you can start a explorer window

ii $volumeiso:\

Please see : How can I mount an ISO via PowerShell/programmatically?

And this : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/320509/is-it-possible-to-open-a-windows-explorer-window-from-powershell

If you want a concrete script/solution please specify what you wish to happen.

  • This works from Windows 8 but not in Windows 7. See here: technet.microsoft.com/de-de/library/hh848706(v=wps.630).aspx I want to create a script which automatically mounts two ISO files, starts an installation and unmounts the ISOs after that.
    – mosesdd
    Commented Jul 25, 2017 at 14:01
  • I am updating the answer sorry i missed that ur on WIN7
    – dExIT
    Commented Jul 25, 2017 at 14:05
  • With portable I meant 'no installation required', I want to rollout this script in my network so I don't want to install third-party software only for another software installation. When you download WinCDEmu Portable you don't have batchmnt, you only have PortableWinCDEmu-4.0.exe.
    – mosesdd
    Commented Jul 25, 2017 at 14:39

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