My laptop has 2 physical disks and has been upgraded from Windows 7 -> 8 -> 10. Along the way it seems to have picked up several recovery partitions on disk 0.

Disk 0 was originally partitioned into a C (OS) and D (data) drive and C has now filled. So I deleted D with the intent of using its 121GB to extend C. But the 350MB recovery partition between them won't allow this to happen and can't be deleted via Disk Management.

enter image description here

  1. How can I extend C using the unallocated 121GB?
  2. If this involves deleting the 350MB recovery partition
    1. How do I delete it?
    2. Is it safe to do so?

2 Answers 2


You can not do that directly with the Windows Disk Manangement. You will need to run 3rd party to do that.

PartitionWizard can do this: https://www.partitionwizard.com/help/extend-partition.html

With this tool you can resize and move partitions.

Reference: http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/answers/id-2935022/extend-volume-blocked-recovery-partition-move-partitions.html


Worked it out.

Using DiskPart (which comes with Windows). Select the partition that I want to delete and choose delete partition override. The override is necessary because it is a protected partition.

Then I used Disk Manager to extend the C drive partition.

So far I don't appear to have broken anything.

  • Just to add a few notes to this solution: DiskPart.exe is a DOS app but it runs a CLI so you can just double click it to run. Type LIST DISK to show the disks available. The partition I needed to delete was on disk 0, so: SELECT DISK 0. Type: LIST PARTITION. Find the one you want to delete and select it: SELECT PARTITION 6. Then run the delete command: DELETE PARTITION OVERRIDE Commented Aug 24, 2023 at 15:15

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