How can I transfer files from Virtual Windows 95 to Host (Windows 10) ?

I tried many things:

  • Enable copy and paste in Guest Isolation
  • Enable shared folders option but it isn't supported in Windows 95
  • Tried USB connection but Windows 95 doesn't see it

Virtual Machine Program: VMWare Workstation 11.0.0

3 Answers 3


When dealing with a Windows guest and Windows host, I would mount the virtual disk on the host. From the menu, choose File > Map Virtual Disks, click the Map button and select the .vmdk file for your Windows 95 VM.

Otherwise I would set up a network share in the Windows 95 VM and access files via that.

  • Mapping virtual disks option works perfectly, thanks for simple and efficient answer!
    – Enes F.
    Commented Nov 30, 2015 at 14:27
  • Any idea how to do it if the Host OS is Ubuntu 18.04 and the Guest is Windows 95? Commented Jun 24, 2019 at 6:39
  • 1
    @GabrielStaples I'd use an SMB/CIFS network share. If you want to mount the guest .vmdk on the host, you could try guestmount, but I have no experience using that.
    – jamesdlin
    Commented Jun 24, 2019 at 6:58
  • Thanks. I'll give it a shot; I posted a question here: askubuntu.com/questions/1153517/… Commented Jun 24, 2019 at 7:02

In you have network set up, you can try sharing a folder in windows 95, and then accessing from your host.

Right click the folder with the file you want, and choose sharing. Give the share a name. [for example SHARE-NAME] Then you should have some dialog to allow access. give "everyone" full control.

After this is set up, go to windows 10. On your keyboard hit WIN + R , and type \\ip.address.for.win95\SHARE-NAME hit OK

You should get the folder open, and be able to copy the files.

  • I opened VMWare Tools -> Shared Folders menu. It says me: "This feature is currently not supported for this guest operating system"
    – Enes F.
    Commented Nov 21, 2015 at 19:26
  • Can you try from within windows 95?
    – Adeerlike
    Commented Nov 21, 2015 at 21:38
  • Do you have proper network set up on guest [95] ?
    – Adeerlike
    Commented Nov 21, 2015 at 22:28

you may try create emulated CD in ISO and play it in virtual machine. Adding more files by converting more files into the same ISO image to read by win95.

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