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Thought Stuff.
 In the cloud!

              Eric Holscher
               PDX Python
               Feb. 8 2011
What this talk is

» Talk about the history of Read the
» Technology Involved
» Interesting outcomes of openness
Why I’m here

» Feedback
» Ideas
» Hopefully you’ll learn something too!
» Shameless self-promotion
Read the Docs

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Git! Why? How?
Git! Why? How?Git! Why? How?
Git! Why? How?

The document discusses why developers should use Git over Subversion (SVN) for version control, explaining that Git was created by Linus Torvalds as a distributed system that is optimized for workflows like branching, merging, and handling large codebases. It provides an overview of Git's core features like snapshots instead of differences, distributed model instead of centralized server, and various tools that can be used with Git. The document concludes by recommending that the company Namics switch from using SVN to using Git for version control.

There's Nothing so Permanent as Temporary
There's Nothing so Permanent as TemporaryThere's Nothing so Permanent as Temporary
There's Nothing so Permanent as Temporary

This document provides a list of common files and directories that may contain sensitive information, including log files, backup files, configuration files, and files used for version control and development. It cautions to check locations like /logs, /backup, robots.txt, .htaccess, and directories used by tools like PHPMyAdmin, SSH keys, and files containing database connection details or credentials. The document suggests using Google dorks to search for certain filetypes like log files on websites.

Chw00t: Breaking unices’ chroot solutions
Chw00t: Breaking unices’ chroot solutionsChw00t: Breaking unices’ chroot solutions
Chw00t: Breaking unices’ chroot solutions

The document discusses various techniques for breaking out of chroot jail environments on Unix-like operating systems. It begins with background information on the speaker and a brief history of chroot. It then explains what chroot is and common uses before detailing requirements for a reasonably secure chroot. The bulk of the document summarizes different techniques for escaping chroot restrictions like using classic chroot flaws, file descriptor passing, Unix domain sockets, mount, /proc, and moving directories out of the chrooted environment. It provides examples and demonstrates some techniques. It concludes by discussing future work hardening containers and operating systems against these issues.

The story
2010 Django Dash
Charles Leifer
Bobby Grace (Design)
Doc Hosting Sucks

» Github Pages
» Your own janky shit with cronjobs

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Эффективная работа с рутинными задачами
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Эффективная работа с рутинными задачами

Мы удел��ем много внимания темам автоматизации тестирования. Но что, если мы посмотрим на сам процесс нашей работы? Сколько рутинных задач мы выполняем каждый день? Насколько эффективно мы их выполняем? Иван расскажет о своем опыте эффективной работы с подобными ежедневными задачами

routine tasksqaqa automation
Build javascript in private environment
Build javascript in private environmentBuild javascript in private environment
Build javascript in private environment

This document discusses setting up private npm and bower package registries within an organization by using Sinopia for npm and private-bower for bower. It describes three cases: 1) acting as a proxy to public registries and caching packages locally, 2) serving packages from the private registry without accessing public registries, and 3) publishing local packages to the private registries.

PyDriller: Python Framework for Mining Software Repositories
PyDriller: Python Framework for Mining Software RepositoriesPyDriller: Python Framework for Mining Software Repositories
PyDriller: Python Framework for Mining Software Repositories

PyDriller is a Python framework for mining software repositories from Git (and soon Mercurial) histories. It aims to ease the extraction of information like commit data, file histories, and source code from repositories. PyDriller supports analyzing a project's history and metadata but not direct repository manipulation. It provides lazy-evaluated access to commit and file-level information at speeds from 60 commits/second to 4 commits/second depending on the level of data retrieved. The tool is open source and sees widespread academic and commercial use for software engineering tasks.

software developmentpython
Read the Docs
Had a workable site in 48
Fully Open Source
Fully Open Source


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IT Systems for Knowledge Management used in Software Engineering (2010)
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IT Systems for Knowledge Management used in Software Engineering (2010)

This talk is targeted for a non-technical audience and gives an overview of knowledge management techniques used by today's IT professionals.

tools and equipmentsoftware developmentsoftware engineering
How to start contributing to Open Source projects
How to start contributing to Open Source projectsHow to start contributing to Open Source projects
How to start contributing to Open Source projects

This document provides guidance on how to start contributing to open source projects. It discusses that contributing does not require coding and can include tasks like documentation, community support, and testing. It recommends searching for projects based on your interests and skills. The key steps to contributing include reviewing a project's documentation, filing or checking issues, and submitting pull requests with clear descriptions and tests. Contributing regularly in a way that follows a project's style is encouraged.

unicornsopen sourcetech
PyTorch 04 What's New in PyTorch Land
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PyTorch 04 What's New in PyTorch Land

This document summarizes recent developments in the PyTorch machine learning framework. It discusses the merger of tensors and variables in PyTorch 0.4, as well as Windows support and device-agnostic code. It also outlines the PyTorch roadmap, including integration with Caffe2 and support for ONNX, AWS, and Azure. Additional sections cover the and Skorch libraries which build on PyTorch, and other projects like Pyro, Visdom and TensorBoard. The document concludes by advising that PyTorch is well-suited for research applications while TensorFlow may be better for production.

pytorchdeep learning
Read the Docs
What makes it tick
Git, Hg, Bzr, Svn

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Tbilisi hackaton intro
Tbilisi hackaton introTbilisi hackaton intro
Tbilisi hackaton intro

The document outlines an agenda for a hackathon event that will help attendees learn Azure technologies through hands-on experience and real projects rather than presentations. It encourages participants to work in teams on topics like ASP.NET 5, Azure, IoT, and BizSpark. Attendees will code during the event, commit their work to GitHub, ask questions, and share their experience with the community afterwards by open sourcing their applications and code.

Open Writing ! - Collaborative Authoring on Apache’s First Open-Source Cloud ...
Open Writing ! -	Collaborative Authoring on Apache’s First Open-Source Cloud ...Open Writing ! -	Collaborative Authoring on Apache’s First Open-Source Cloud ...
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This document provides an overview of Apache CloudStack. It begins by introducing CloudStack as a proven, hypervisor-agnostic Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud platform. It then discusses the Apache Way and process for becoming an Apache project. The document reviews CloudStack's architecture and history from its origins at to becoming an Apache incubator project. It covers using Publican for documentation publishing and reviews the Apache documentation and review process. It encourages joining the Apache CloudStack community through various forums and meetups.

open writingapachecloudstack
PyCon India 2012: Rapid development of website search in python
PyCon India 2012: Rapid development of website search in pythonPyCon India 2012: Rapid development of website search in python
PyCon India 2012: Rapid development of website search in python

The document discusses developing website search capabilities in Python. It provides an overview of typical search engine components like indexing, analyzing, and searching. It then compares two Python search libraries - Pylucene and Whoosh. Benchmark tests on indexing, committing, and searching a 1GB dataset showed Whoosh to outperform Pylucene in speed. The document recommends designing search as an independent, pluggable component and considers Whoosh and Pylucene as good options for rapid development and integration into Python web projects.

pylucenewebsite searchweb search engine
Post commit hooks
Custom Themes
Full-text search
Tags & Branches

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Software archaeology for beginners: code, community and culture
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Software archaeology for beginners: code, community and culture

Most open source projects are rightly proud of their communities, long histories (both measured in time and version control), passionate debates and occasional trolling. Newcomers to these communities often face an uphill battle, though. Not just in understanding decision making processes and community standards, but in coming to terms with often complex, contradictory, and poorly documented code bases. This talk will introduce you to the concepts and tools you need to be an expert code, culture, and community archaeologist and quickly become productive and knowledgeable in an unknown or legacy code base.

Markup languages and warp-speed documentation
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Markup languages and warp-speed documentation

The presentation discusses how software development has moved towards more frequent releases through DevOps practices. This requires documentation to also be updated quickly. Markup languages can help by allowing many contributors to collaborate easily on documentation. Specific markup languages mentioned include reStructuredText and Markdown, which can be processed by tools like Sphinx to generate documentation from plain text files. The presentation demonstrates how to use reStructuredText and emphasizes that markup languages, collaborative tools like GitHub, and automation are key to supporting modern rapid software development practices.

Lois Patterson: Markup Languages and Warp-Speed Documentation
Lois Patterson:  Markup Languages and Warp-Speed DocumentationLois Patterson:  Markup Languages and Warp-Speed Documentation
Lois Patterson: Markup Languages and Warp-Speed Documentation

The presentation discusses how software development has moved towards more frequent releases through DevOps practices. This requires documentation to also be updated quickly. Markup languages can help by allowing many contributors to collaborate easily on documentation. Specific markup languages mentioned include reStructuredText and Markdown, which can be processed by tools like Sphinx to generate documentation from plain text files. The presentation demonstrates how to use reStructuredText and emphasizes that markup languages, collaborative tools like GitHub, and automation are key to supporting modern rapid software development practices.

PDF Generation
CNAME Support

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Docs as-code-missing.-manual
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Docs as-code-missing.-manual

Jennifer Rondeau and Margaret Eker presentation from Write The Docs Prague, 2016: Treating docs as code, an approach that more and more teams and companies are moving toward, involves more than putting the two together in a source repository. We discuss some of the details that often get lost in as dev and docs learn to work together in new ways. Because if all we do is put doc files next to code files in source control, or use parts of the same workflow for code and docs, we're still isolating docs as a separate sort of responsibility, free from the obligations of systematic review and testing without which code would never be accepted into production.

agile software developmentdocumentationtechnical writing
OpenFest 2012 : Leveraging the public internet
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OpenFest 2012 : Leveraging the public internet

The document discusses leveraging publicly available internet data and open source intelligence (OSINT) for data analysis purposes. It describes how digitizing information creates opportunities to mine "big data" using techniques from fields like intelligence agencies. Specific tools and techniques are presented for OSINT, including using search engines to build wordlists and crack passwords. Examples of simple Python scripts and libraries for data analysis, visualization and crawling websites are also provided. The document encourages experimenting with publicly available data to gain insights and solve problems.

openfest 2012publicosint
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Selected resources for Python beginners, focusing on how to get help once you're beyond structured tutorials. Created for a lightning talk for Python beginners during PyBCN, March 20, 2014

Multiple Servers

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XBlocks are small Python plugins that can be added to Open edX to provide interactive content beyond simple HTML. They allow for interaction with the platform and other XBlocks, storing user content and inputs, and easier content management. The presentation described several XBlocks developed at UPValencia including PDF, multitab, and Mathematica viewers as well as a Paella Player for dual video viewing. Source code and demos are available online under the GPL license.

Lesson 01
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Lesson 01

The document provides an overview of Lesson 1 of a Front-End Web Development course. It includes learning objectives such as establishing community, recognizing roles in web development, and applying HTML tags. The schedule covers an introduction to front-end development, navigating computers and servers, HTML tags and using Sublime text, and includes a lab and homework assignment. The document also lists course tools, an overview of HTML and CSS, and examples of using different HTML tags for headings, text, lists, and links.

Nagios & Munin

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Think about your URLs.
     Really hard.
Lay your project out sanely
Write tests!

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Find a designer!
Open Source Outcomes
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Stream processing is a crucial component of modern data infrastructure, but constructing an efficient and scalable stream processing system can be challenging. Decoupling compute and storage architecture has emerged as an effective solution to these challenges, but it can introduce high latency issues, especially when dealing with complex continuous queries that necessitate managing extra-large internal states. In this talk, we focus on addressing the high latency issues associated with S3 storage in stream processing systems that employ a decoupled compute and storage architecture. We delve into the root causes of latency in this context and explore various techniques to minimize the impact of S3 latency on stream processing performance. Our proposed approach is to implement a tiered storage mechanism that leverages a blend of high-performance and low-cost storage tiers to reduce data movement between the compute and storage layers while maintaining efficient processing. Throughout the talk, we will present experimental results that demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in mitigating the impact of S3 latency on stream processing. By the end of the talk, attendees will have gained insights into how to optimize their stream processing systems for reduced latency and improved cost-efficiency.

Known architecture
People Writing Docs

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Cybersecurity is a major concern in today's connected digital world. Threats to organizations are constantly evolving and have the potential to compromise sensitive information, disrupt operations, and lead to significant financial losses. Traditional cybersecurity techniques often fall short against modern attackers. Therefore, advanced techniques for cyber security analysis and anomaly detection are essential for protecting digital assets. This blog explores these cutting-edge methods, providing a comprehensive overview of their application and importance.

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Quality Patents: Patents That Stand the Test of Time
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Is your patent a vanity piece of paper for your office wall? Or is it a reliable, defendable, assertable, property right? The difference is often quality. Is your patent simply a transactional cost and a large pile of legal bills for your startup? Or is it a leverageable asset worthy of attracting precious investment dollars, worth its cost in multiples of valuation? The difference is often quality. Is your patent application only good enough to get through the examination process? Or has it been crafted to stand the tests of time and varied audiences if you later need to assert that document against an infringer, find yourself litigating with it in an Article 3 Court at the hands of a judge and jury, God forbid, end up having to defend its validity at the PTAB, or even needing to use it to block pirated imports at the International Trade Commission? The difference is often quality. Quality will be our focus for a good chunk of the remainder of this season. What goes into a quality patent, and where possible, how do you get it without breaking the bank? ** Episode Overview ** In this first episode of our quality series, Kristen Hansen and the panel discuss: ⦿ What do we mean when we say patent quality? ⦿ Why is patent quality important? ⦿ How to balance quality and budget ⦿ The importance of searching, continuations, and draftsperson domain expertise ⦿ Very practical tips, tricks, examples, and Kristen’s Musts for drafting quality applications

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» /

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