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I want to go grab a snack at the corner store, but last night when I went a man approached me and did the “why aren’t you smiling/smile for me” routine and now I’m afraid that the same thing (or something worse) will happen again, so I’m probably not going to go. I’m 22 and in Detroit. Made me feel helpless, like a prisoner in my own home.


  1. forestine reblogged this from greenthegroundbelow
  2. aurumfaze reblogged this from microaggressions
  3. candiedlambs reblogged this from greenthegroundbelow and added:
    i hate when this shit happens…but somehow my face usually turns into an awkward smile because i feel embarrassed.
  4. mysyncope reblogged this from microaggressions
  5. nameoffives reblogged this from seborgasm-blog
  6. seborgasm-blog reblogged this from microaggressions and added:
    what kind of sane person goes to a corner score in detroit at night oh wait. microaggressions. my bad
  7. wearyruler reblogged this from greenthegroundbelow and added:
    I rarely have problems with the smile police because I am a naturally smiley person. I smile pretty much all the time....
  8. greenthegroundbelow reblogged this from microaggressions and added:
    The smile police are one of the most overlooked instance of misogyny that happens in everyday life, in my opinion....
  9. microaggressions posted this
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