power, privilege, and everyday life.

Have a question/comment/similar experience to share? Email us or fill out our contribution form.

Note: The comments section provides a space for people to LEARN from one another.




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Frequently Asked Questions

To ask us a question, visit our ask page.

To read questions we’ve answered in the past, check out our FAQ tag.


Who are you?

We’re two people who met in college while organizing and learning about issues of power, privilege, and social identities. One day we were bored/angry in class and started a record of microaggressions from our own lives. We later decided to open up a project that gathers stories and anecdotes from other people.

What is a microaggression?

Microaggressions are the subtle ways in which body and verbal language convey oppressive ideology about power or privilege against marginalized identities. Please take a look at our About page and the Wikipedia article for more about the term.

What makes you an authority on microaggressions?

We aren’t. This site is a space for discussion. We only hope to evolve the conversation of marginality from merely a discussion of racism, sexism, et cetera toward one of power and privilege.

Why hasn’t my submission been posted?

There are a variety of reasons why we don’t post some submissions. Often, posts are simply delayed. We receive hundreds of submissions and only post a handful per day.

Hate crimes and slurs, institutional biases and injustices, and outright aggression are not always microaggressions (those are more macro!). Identities that are not systematically marginalized are also not appropriate for this blog. We are also wary of posting incidents against the marginalized observed by people of privilege. (This is an ongoing discussion.)

We might feel a submission is too difficult to edit because of obscure acronyms, lack of contextual details, etc.

Why did you edit my submission? That’s not fair!

We edit submissions for grammar, conciseness and clarity. While we reserve the right to make these edits, we try as hard as possible to retain the voice and content of the original posts, even down to its grammatical syntax, language, and tone.

The site doesn’t work on my browser/operating system/internet connection. What can I/you do to fix this?

We’re currently designing a new site! Please hold on!

I want to help out! What can I do?

    • Submit your own: Help contribute to our growing document of microaggressions!
    • Spread the word: Help grow our community! Share our blog using links and social media. Contact us if you want materials from our site for conferences, workshops, etc.
    • Donate: Help fund our site redesign.
    • Discuss: Participate in the comments, Facebook page, or Twitter.
    • Suggest ideas: Email us.

Where has Microaggressions appeared in other blogs and media?

Racialicious: “More Than a Meme”
Feministing: “Awesome blog alert: Microaggressions” and “The Wednesday Weigh-In”
Jezebel: “Microaggressions offers a place…”
Disgrasian: “Links of the Daysian”
The Hairpin: “Ignorance: The Blog”
Bitch Magazine: “Microaggressions: Because it IS a Big Deal”
Ms. Magazine: “The Microaggressions Project: An Interview”
Amptoons: “Microaggressions”
Hollaback! London: “Microaggressions…”
Where Is Your Line?: “Badass Activist Friday Presents…”
Stumbleupon: “http://microaggressions.com”

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