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Premium Member
Woodstock, IL


Premium Member

[iPhone] Blocking texts from a specific area code

Is there any way to block spam texts only from a specific area code?

I am getting inundated by political texts asking for donations, all originating from area code 202 with different sender phone numbers. 202 the area code for Washington DC.

I dont know anyone from there so all I want to do is block texts from 202-xxxxxxx and allow all other texts to get through.

I've done some googling and all the responses say to add a contact "1+(202)" into your contact list and then click the "block sender" button. I've done that but messages are still getting through.

I'm aware of the "Filter unknown senders" option in the setting menu but I dont want to filter all unknown senders, just those from area code 202. Or is it simply not possible?

they call me Mr. Bill
North Las Vegas, NV



It's an annoyance, but it will go away in November. I delete about a dozen a day. I don't bother with trying to block them.

My brother tried the blocking messages route. Eventually, he blocked so many that password recovery texts were being blocked. After clearing his block list, and giving it time to reset from all the login attempts, I was able to restore his access. He quit trying to block numbers after that.



you should be able to unsubscribe from unsolicited political texts, no?

they call me Mr. Bill
North Las Vegas, NV



said by paolo:

you should be able to unsubscribe from unsolicited political texts, no?

You should be able to, I have not tried. Usually, you just get more because they now know it is a valid number.

I've attained a PHD in DVR.
Premium Member
Chelmsford, MA

1 recommendation

miataman to paolo

Premium Member

to paolo
I believe the politicians carved out their own self interest.
Premium Member
Woodstock, IL

dmagerl to billaustin

Premium Member

to billaustin
said by billaustin:

You should be able to, I have not tried. Usually, you just get more because they now know it is a valid number.

Thats my fear too. So I havent tried it. The texts all say area code 202 and then have different numbers following it. Like they know you're going to block them. I'm guessing these are not from legitimate political organizations.

I've also read of sending the offending text to 7726 (spells spam on the keypad) but people say it doesnt do anything.

So I guess I'll turn on the "filter unknown callers" feature and live with it until the fall. You'd think that in this day and age of spam that blocking would be a bit more sophisticated.

they call me Mr. Bill
North Las Vegas, NV



I don't try to block or filter. I just go through the messages a couple times a day and delete the unwanted texts. I have Trend Micro Mobile Security loaded, and it flags the messages with questionable web links. AT&T does a good job of identifying SPAM calls. If I don't want to answer, I just turn it face down and go on with what I'm doing.

1 recommendation

paolo to billaustin


to billaustin
said by billaustin:

said by paolo:

you should be able to unsubscribe from unsolicited political texts, no?

You should be able to, I have not tried. Usually, you just get more because they now know it is a valid number.

I guess the laws in Good Ol' Canada are different than in US of A.

Here we can report offenders who break the rules. Political campains are excempt from the do not call list, but however they do operate their own internal list and if they do not comply with your unsubscribe or do not contact request, they can face penalty and fines

The USA should do something similar.