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Ellicott City, MD

2 recommendations



I'm so far upside-down its not funny....

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See attached. This is real output from my Verizon Account. Real-life.
I got FiOS in 2005 when the fiber first went up on the poles. I started
off at 5/2, then over the years they became symmetric, and gave me some
free upgrades etc etc.. now I'm at 50/50. I'm in Maryland in 21042 area code.

Millersville, MD

6 recommendations



If you're not on Mix and Match and don't have TV, then you're getting raked over the coals. 300/300 without autopay/discounts should run you about $50 a month total.
Ellicott City, MD



ah.. forgot to mention that I have Local-Only TV bundled in with this.. but thats all. no auto-pay, no telephone. Just internet-and-local_only-channels..
From a broken heart to a hole in the sky
Premium Member
Hatboro, PA

2 recommendations


Premium Member

Can't you go internet only and get OTA local TV?
Ashburn, VA

1 recommendation

Foxbat121 to batsona


to batsona
Local only TV still costs you $50+/mo plus any STB rental fee if you use one. So, you are not ever going to get any cheaper deals.
Ellicott City, MD

batsona to fixrman


to fixrman
I have 38 reads, and 4 responses, and I got a message from "system" that said I'm on the Hot Topic list.. This site doesn't have the viewership that it once did.. :-( --at any rate.. Yes, I can get OTA channels, but it seems to be still true that if you bundle some sort of video plan along with an Internet plan, you end up saving money.. Like my current plan where I'm getting local-only channels. --I had no choice at the time - or my monthly amnt would have been even higher.

Question: is it still a 'thing' where you cancel all your service, then re-apply under the same address, but with a different Name, so you qualify as a new customer..? That used to be the only way to drop your bill. The local Verizon Wireless store used to have a FioS desk to the side with a guy there you could sign you up & get your plans set up - no longer the case..

I guess I can call a Human at Verizon & state my case & see if they can re-do my account. But of course, what will they do..? They don't want to drop the amnt that I pay every month, they're going to want me to keep paying $100 a month, and throw in a bunch of extra $tuff that I don't need/want. Internet & CATV is a commodity item, and it's been that way for almost 20 years. The only way for VZ and CMSCST to make money, is to bundle tons of stuff together for a higher profit margin.

BUT: I do see that VZ offers mix-n-match, so the days of bundling are over; but probably still be difficult to drop by bill from $100/month to $50/month.

Premium Member


Premium Member

If you have a Verizon mobile account you can save some money with the Mobile+Home discount as well. I have a Verizon credit card simply because I also get $10/line discount off wireless and $10/month off my Internet for autopay.

Outside of that, I don’t see why you couldn’t put in a disconnect order and then see if they offer any “deals” to keep you.
From a broken heart to a hole in the sky
Premium Member
Hatboro, PA

1 recommendation

fixrman to batsona

Premium Member

to batsona
I cancelled my Verizon service once in order to get a lower bill. That was years ago, and I have managed to keep my bill reasonable since then. Never had to restart with a new account, and I have been with Verizon FiOS since 2007 when it was first offered.

The reason to go internet only is that any time there is a bundle, they add taxes, surcharges and fees. That's how a "$99.95" quote becomes a $128.00 bill. Internet only does not add anything, it is the price quoted - so if you can get the same channels OTA, I'd go with that to save money.
Bucks, PA

1 recommendation

gs0b to batsona


to batsona
said by batsona:

Question: is it still a 'thing' where you cancel all your service, then re-apply under the same address, but with a different Name, so you qualify as a new customer..?

I haven't heard about that working for years. They used to have "retention" specialists who would try to save you if you called in and said you wanted to cancel, but those appear to be gone as well.

Their current Mix&Match pricing may be better that what you have, especially if you're willing to give up TV service from VZ. If you don't care about DVR and other advanced services, an antenna might suit you well. Or, maybe you can find a streaming service that has the channels you want at a lower cost than bundling with VZ.

As for getting the best "deals," most folk these days work with their social media support team. You can reach them by using the VZDirect forum on this site, tweeting @verizonsupport, or DM'ng them on FaceBook. They will instruct you to login to a VZ web page to establish a secure chat and will take it from there. They may be able to offer you pricing that is better.

Note Mix&Match doesn't have a contract, so you are free to change/leave at any time and they are free to change pricing at any time (unless they give a guarantee, which they are doing on some plans right now.)

Millersville, MD

seaquake to batsona


to batsona
Dump the local channels and switch to M&M pricing. I paid $30 for an OTA antenna that I mounted in my attic and gets me the few channels I care to watch, so that may be an option for you. If not, then check out »suppose.tv and put in your viewing requirements and see if there's an over-the-top service that fits your needs.

Premium Member
Downingtown, PA

3 recommendations

SparkChaser to batsona

Premium Member

to batsona
I know this won't go over well but I pay $50 for 300/300 internet, $25 for phone with UnLimited to Ireland, and an arm & leg for TV.

Wife watches lots of TV and she's worth it.

Premium Member
Orange, CA

maartena to batsona

Premium Member

to batsona
said by batsona:

ah.. forgot to mention that I have Local-Only TV bundled in with this.. but thats all. no auto-pay, no telephone. Just internet-and-local_only-channels..

These days, just about the only way to save money is to cancel everything, all of it, bring or send back any equipment you may own..... and then wait till you can sign up for a new customer, which is 30 days. In the mean time you may have to use a different solution for internet for a month or so, and perhaps just live off of OTA for a little while....

If you have a spouse (or trustworthy roommate) you can make the new customer deal literally on the same deal you cancelled, schedule for install, and you may only be down for a day. Two at most, I don't know how fast Verizon comes and installs.
Yonkers, NY



You can usually time same-day but if installer delays you might be down for half a day or if they cancel, a full day or two. With so many 5g home internet services or just getting hot spot on your phone for a month so you have coverage while waiting to reconnect it's much easier to cancel and wait to renew.

In my scenarios I can just switch to Optimum then back to Verizon in a month or two. For one month I usually have a double bill but if you factor in the new customer savings every few years that extra $90 for a month on double billing goes away with new customer signup bonuses + the savings for being a "new customer" again. So yeah when Optimum installs I still have verizon, then when Verizon comes back I still have Optimum. No outage that way.

Now though I'll just use Tmobile home internet for a month If I ever need to do it again.
Union City, NJ

3 recommendations

tearfalls to batsona


to batsona
This is our new plan. One of the $10 discount expires in 1 year and the other one expires in 2 years. But even with $54.99/mo price it is still far better than what you are paying.
Ashburn, VA

2 recommendations



said by tearfalls:

This is our new plan. One of the $10 discount expires in 1 year and the other one expires in 2 years. But even with $54.99/mo price it is still far better than what you are paying.

OP has local TV package. That makes up the large part of the cost. Also, in this area (MD, VA, DC), the internet plans are generally more expensive than other areas. Gigabit plans typically $99+ before any discounts.

Millersville, MD

3 recommendations

seaquake to tearfalls


to tearfalls
Not to threadjack, but how did you end up getting gig service for this low? That's a steal.
From a broken heart to a hole in the sky
Premium Member
Hatboro, PA

fixrman to batsona

Premium Member

to batsona
Can you explain to me why you have local TV with FiOS if you can get the same OTA channels? Why add cost if you don't have to?

Doylstown Pa
Premium Member
Buckingham, PA


Premium Member

said by fixrman:

Can you explain to me why you have local TV with FiOS if you can get the same OTA channels? Why add cost if you don't have to?

I"m not the OP, but I did carry "local TV" for awhile at our old property. Why? Because WPVI 6ABC is nearly impossible to get OTA. Even now after the transmitter upgrades and being in a better location, I still cannot get WPVI with it's low-VHF frequency on a powered outside antenna. (I use their app to watch the news and delay watch the few things we like off Hulu at this point - no coax in this house anyway) So aside from "localized" things like that which doesn't appear to be a problem for the OP where they are, there is also the convenience of not needing to install an antenna...different strokes for different folks.
Ellicott City, MD

2 recommendations

batsona to fixrman


to fixrman
=============== it was said============
Can you explain to me why you have local TV with FiOS if you can get the same OTA channels? Why add cost if you don't have to?

==OP: I last re-negotiated around 2012... it was actually cheaper with the local-channels thrown in. that was way before mix-n-match. Everything was "bundle-city" back then..
From a broken heart to a hole in the sky
Premium Member
Hatboro, PA

fixrman to buckingham

Premium Member

to buckingham
That's why I'm asking. Your location is too far, so I wouldn't expect to receive low VHF there. Channel 6 is stubborn and won't move up their channel, so without spending money, their signal remains weak to anyone without the proper antenna to receive low VHF.

But the OP doesn't get Channel 6 anyway, so that's not an issue. Since there are few low VHF stations like Channel 6, I'm wondering why he pays for local TV.

1 recommendation

fixrman to batsona

Premium Member

to batsona
I have always paid less for FiOS than anyone around here, simply because internet only does not add taxes, surcharges, and fees. Also, no add package for anything for TV, no mix, no match, and - no taxes, surcharges, and fees.
Medford, NJ

robjlevin to buckingham


to buckingham
said by buckingham:

said by fixrman:

Can you explain to me why you have local TV with FiOS if you can get the same OTA channels? Why add cost if you don't have to?

I"m not the OP, but I did carry "local TV" for awhile at our old property. Why? Because WPVI 6ABC is nearly impossible to get OTA. Even now after the transmitter upgrades and being in a better location, I still cannot get WPVI with it's low-VHF frequency on a powered outside antenna. (I use their app to watch the news and delay watch the few things we like off Hulu at this point - no coax in this house anyway) So aside from "localized" things like that which doesn't appear to be a problem for the OP where they are, there is also the convenience of not needing to install an antenna...different strokes for different folks.

Right...and that's after they upgraded everything last year. I'm less than 20 miles from the towers and can get everything from Philly except channel 6.

Doylstown Pa
Premium Member
Buckingham, PA

buckingham to fixrman

Premium Member

to fixrman
said by fixrman:

That's why I'm asking. Your location is too far, so I wouldn't expect to receive low VHF there. Channel 6 is stubborn and won't move up their channel, so without spending money, their signal remains weak to anyone without the proper antenna to receive low VHF.

But the OP doesn't get Channel 6 anyway, so that's not an issue. Since there are few low VHF stations like Channel 6, I'm wondering why he pays for local TV.

It could simply be because of the other thing I mentioned...it's convenient.
Union City, NJ

2 recommendations

tearfalls to seaquake


to seaquake
said by seaquake:

Not to threadjack, but how did you end up getting gig service for this low? That's a steal.

Talk with the online agent. They always try to lower your bill by giving you all kinds of discount.
Bucks, PA

1 recommendation

gs0b to maartena


to maartena
said by maartena:

These days, just about the only way to save money is to cancel everything, all of it, bring or send back any equipment you may own..... and then wait till you can sign up for a new customer, which is 30 days.

Are you sure about that? It was certainly true back when they did contracts. But now with contract-less Mix&Match plans you can switch to them by simply asking their rep to do it. You'll pay what they show on the web site. I haven't heard of them offering "new customer discounts" in years, which is why the cancel and sign up dance was helpful.

The big question is if the current Mix&Match plans will be cheaper for a subscriber on one of the grandfathered plan. Because if you're on a grandfathered plan and you switch away from it, you will never be able to switch back. Their web site gives accurate price quotes when you click into the "what to expect on your bill" option, so it's easy to see if a new Mix&Match plan will be better.

If they are offering new customer discounts and deals, they certainly don't make it obvious.
From a broken heart to a hole in the sky
Premium Member
Hatboro, PA


Premium Member

I don't see how M&M pricing would save any money, because it is like an a la carte menu. Saw no option for a local TV bundle.

Every choice I tried adds additional cost, plus taxes, surcharges, and fees. The only way I see to save money is internet only with an antenna for OTA local channels. Even if the antenna was $100.00, someone could still save. The cheapest add is 10.00 per month, plus, of course - taxes, surcharges, and fees. I know I sound like a broken record, but that's what the website indicates.

Perhaps different metropolitan areas have better pricing.
Billerica, MA

1 edit



said by fixrman:

Every choice I tried adds additional cost, plus taxes, surcharges, and fees.

One thing about Mix & Match. It eliminates the Regional Sports Network fee and the Broadcast TV Fee. There is a small local State tax for the video portion. And if you have phone, it still has that fee. So, that needs to be calculated when comparing service. Here is an example of a Grandfathered M&M.

ETA: And many people have said the Fios site is mess, so you might need to chat or call. Last time I needed help, chat worked for me. Also, they have support at Xwitter & Facebook.
Bucks, PA

gs0b to fixrman


to fixrman
said by fixrman:

I don't see how M&M pricing would save any money, because it is like an a la carte menu. Saw no option for a local TV bundle.

It depends on what people want and what their current VZ plan is.

For me, M&M was better than my old triple-play because I switched to YouTube TV and got rid of a lot of set-top-box rental fees. I moved phone to a VoIP service to further cut costs, so in the end my total spend on internet, TV, and phone was much lower than VZ's M&M or bundle price.

I chose YouTube TV because of the channels my family watches and the DVR functionality. If someone has different channel and feature needs, it may not be the best choice.

And when I switched, I was able to get an older M&M internet plan that doesn't include router rental. So I'm paying less than the current plans by a decent amount. The math would change if I had to deal with current M&M pricing.

Bottom line, there is no clear rule that M&M will be better or worse than someone's current plan. Each person needs to figure out what features they want, if their willing to consider alternate TV (streaming, OTA, TiVo...), and so on. They may find a way to lower costs with different services. Or might choose to stay on a grandfathered VZ plan.
From a broken heart to a hole in the sky
Premium Member
Hatboro, PA

fixrman to PL1

Premium Member

to PL1
FiOS TV is 85 here, not that I'd use it. I do know it is like talking to Abbott and Costello when talking to them.

fixrman to gs0b

Premium Member

to gs0b
Sounds like a labyrinth, but you've got it figured out.