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3.3 Links

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FAQ by kadar

by edited by kadar See Profile
last modified: 2002-08-26 17:30:18


Option 1: Tech support- after pressing this you must pick between DSL and dialup/ISDN.

Option 2: Billing/Pending orders. This will take you to either Billing or Customer Care(who is being trained to handle billing issues)

Option 3: Sales

Option 4: To cancel or disconnect service- this will take you to Retention, once again select between DSL/dialup/ISDN.

Option 5: It's listed as "all other inquiries", but it's actually for Teleproducts. If you need to track equipment or return it for reasons OTHER than cancelling.

FAQ by kadar

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • Verizon is consolidating to 1-800-VERIZON (837-4966) as the central gateway for all purposes.

    2012-05-23 02:14:23 (Caveat See Profile)

by edited by kadar See Profile
last modified: 2002-08-26 17:29:25


by edited by sashwa See Profile
last modified: 2012-05-23 10:53:38

For Spam (unsolicited email) go to this link for information and instructions on what to do and who to email about it. http://dsl.verizon.net/contact/spam.html

by Skipdawg See Profile edited by kadar See Profile
last modified: 2002-08-26 17:34:01

This is old news, but at some point in the future it may be beneficial to someone from another state.
Massachusetts LD application

Faq by kadar

by edited by kadar See Profile
last modified: 2002-08-26 17:34:42