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4.45 Posting Sigs

Go to your forum preferences page. It's in the left menu under "Members": /prof/forums

Type your signature line in the box provided. Please take note of the restrictions:
  • 255 Characters Max
  • No question marks allowed in URLs
  • No images

After you have done this, your sig will be available whenever you post, and if you have checked the "default" box, it will automatically be appended to all of your posts. You always have the option of choosing not to include your sig whenever you post.

Why doesn't my sig show up?

First, make sure you selected "show signature." Also, your post must be longer than your sig. For instance, if your sig is "www.dslreports.com," your post would need to be at least 19 characters long.

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • Needs to include information on signature requirements. What is a "regular"?

    2021-01-20 00:07:16 (Start SeanL See Profile)

by KeysCapt See Profile edited by tmpchaos See Profile
last modified: 2013-09-20 13:34:50

Images are no longer permitted in your posting sig, due to abuse and other problems like off-site links being slow to load.

Inline video links (such as those from Google or YouTube) are also not permitted, for the same reasons.

Flaming another member isn't permitted in signatures, whether by member name, UID, proper name or other methods.

by KeysCapt See Profile edited by tmpchaos See Profile
last modified: 2013-09-20 13:35:15

Some URLs include a question mark in the coding. These are not permitted and will cause your sig to fail.

If you cannot provide a URL or link that doesn't include the question mark, you might try »www.tinyurl.com/, which will create a redirect link without the question mark.

by KeysCapt See Profile edited by tmpchaos See Profile
last modified: 2013-09-20 13:35:32

Go into the forum preferences page, and in the posting .sig box, enter your text; for example "join team DSL Reports and find Seti." Then check ".sig default is show." The default then becomes a time saver when you want your sig to show, and there is an option for you to de-select it any time you are composing a post where you don't want it visible.

There is a 255-character maximum character limit.
You cannot include a ? in your sig.
This is an anti-spam measure.

by lordmage See Profile edited by tmpchaos See Profile
last modified: 2013-09-20 13:36:53

URLs in posting sigs that advertise commercial enterprises are generally not permitted. If you or someone else will realize a gain from it, monetary or otherwise, it is most likely unacceptable.

Please see this FAQ entry.

If you have questions about this policy, or whether your proposed sig fits under this rule, just IM one of the site mods and ask.

by KeysCapt See Profile edited by tmpchaos See Profile
last modified: 2013-09-20 13:37:08

To add a link (URL) to your sig, the syntax would be:
<a href="http://www.dslreports.com">DSL Reports</a>

Also see: »Site FAQ »Images, videos, flaming not allowed in sigs?

Only a couple of HTML tags are allowed in sigs, such as bold or underline. Strike through, for instance, is not allowed. 
A link with a question mark in it will not work on the site.

by KeysCapt See Profile edited by tmpchaos See Profile
last modified: 2013-09-20 13:37:21

... are not acceptable.

Please use a link to a download site instead of including a direct download link in your posting sig.

by KeysCapt See Profile edited by tmpchaos See Profile
last modified: 2013-09-20 13:36:23