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3.141 Westell 327W (wireless) Info

FAQ Still Under Construction - Thanks for your understanding

This FAQ, as well as the BelSouth Westell 327W Help Page provides specific information pertaining only to the BellSouth Specific Westell 327W (Model C90-327W30-06).

This FAQ has three major sections
Section 1 - General Information
Section 2 - Network Connectivity
Section 3 - LED Status Display
Section 4 - Menu & Screen shots

Section 1 - General Information

Westell 327W (Wireless)
The Westell 327W has been shipping since the summer of 2005. It is the current wireless modem/router supplied to BellSouth residential customers who order the HomeNetworking service. It has both wireless (802.11g+) and ethernet (4 ports) connectivity. The BellSouth supplied 327W (model C90-327W30-06) is specifically designed with a unique firmware, interface, and features that are different from the standard retail 327W models. The modem has a router with a built in PPPoE client that eliminates the need for any connection software on the PC. Since it is a router, wired or wireless networking is easy. It can support G.DMT speeds up to 8 Mbps downstream and 800 Kbps upstream. It also supports ADSL2+ which can increase speeds up to 25Mbps (when it becomes available). This modem is supported by the Residential HelpDesk.

Section 2 - Network Connectivity

Pictures by Andy Houtz

Section 3 - LED Status Display

Section 4 - Menu & Screenshots

Easy Login Menu

Home Summary Menu

Broadband DSL Line Menu

Home Network Menu

Wireless Menu

Firewall & Password Menu

Diagnostics Menu

NOTE: Please do not use the Feedback option to post questions. They will not receive answers here. Post your questions in the appropriate forum.

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • If you're having trouble connecting a new computer to wireless, and have an old version of the firmware, you may need to upgrade. Worked for me on 1/20/12. Thanks!

    2012-01-20 18:11:13

  • It does have the ability but it may require some changes to the IP range depending on themodem model and what it can do. The better place to ask is in the specific ISP forum itself

    2009-06-16 14:57:45 (FAQFixer See Profile)

by FAQFixer See Profile edited by KeysCapt See Profile
last modified: 2011-02-20 20:26:10

Verify your model number checking the sticker on the bottom of modem.
327W (model C90-327W30-06) Current firmware (as of 6/30/06) is C99-327W30_VER_3_07_00.upg
Updating the firmware may delete/default previous configuration settings you may have made. You should note any custom configurations you currently have and double check them after you update the firmware.
Your actual screen shots may vary slightly but the basic steps and functionality is the same.
The BellSouth supplied 327W (model C90-327W30-06) is made exclusively for BellSouth FastAccess. They are functionally different from retail Westells (or any model designed for use with other ISPs) and the firmware between them are not compatible and can not be interchanged.

There are three ways to update the firmware:

    1) Auto Calendar Configuration - Configure the modem to automatically check the BellSouth Support Site for the latest update, download it, and start the update procedure at specific intervals.

    2) Update Software directly from BellSouth Server
    The modem will check the BellSouth Support Site for the latest update, download it, and start the update procedure.

    3) Update software from PC file
    Requires you to manually download the firmware file, browse your PC, and install the file. Click on the following link to the BellSouth Support Site and download the newest Westell firmware designed for your model. Save this file in a convenient place so it is easy to find later in the upgrade process.

Step 1
Launch your internet browser and type »launchmodem or » in the address field. This will launch the Westell Modem Interface.

Step 2
Click on the Update Device or Update Modem button on the right menu.

Step 3
Select the type of update method you want from the menu on the right:

Step 3 - Option One
Auto Calendar Configuration - Configure the modem to automatically check the BellSouth Support Site for the latest update, download it, and start the update procedure at specific intervals. Click Save if you make any changes.

Step 3 - Option Two
Update from Server - Modem will search the BellSouth Support Site for the latest update, download it, and start the update procedure. Click on update software from server.

Step 3 - Option Three
Update from PC - Browse your computer and select the upgrade file you downloaded earlier. Click on Update software from PC button to start the manual update.

Step 4
The file will automatically update the firmware to the modem. This may take a minute or two. Do not cancel or stop the upload.

Step 5
The upgrade will automatically restart the modem. When it is complete you are directed to the connection page where you can reconnect to the internet.

Pictures by Andy Houtz

Important Note: After you update the firmware it may take a minute or so to be able to reconnect the Internet. If you try to connect and get a message stated that "DSL or ATM network is not available" please wait 30 seconds and try again. It may take several attempts to regain connectivity to BSFA.

Important Note: People have reported that the upgrade disables the wireless signal by default. If you encounter this problem, click on Wireless from the top menu. Click on Configure Wireless from the menu on the right and select Enable from the Wireless Operation pull down menu.

Andy Houtz

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • After i updated my firmware, my 327W never came back up! The power and DSL LEDs are solid red all the time and there's no connectivity whatsoever! What went wrong? I used the right version and model firmware file. Please help!

    2008-05-13 08:30:15

by FAQFixer See Profile
last modified: 2006-07-02 00:38:55

The BellSouth specific Westell 327W provides basic line statistics like Data Path, Line Attenuation, DSL Rate, Ethernet Stats, and Signal to Noise ratio. However, it does not have the ability to measure advanced statistics like Maximum Attainable Line Rate, ATM Rate, or Line Capacity.

Section 1 - Accessing the Line Statistics

Step 1
Open a browser session and enter "" in the address field to access the Westell Interface.

Step 2
Click on Broadband DSL Line on the top menu. Click on Statistics on the right menu.

Step 3
Click on DSL on the right menu. The four most important statistics are Data Path, DSL Sync Rate,SN Margin (dB), and Line Attenuation (dB). Additional information on Data Path is available here. SN Margin (Signal to Noise Margin) should be 6 dB or more and Line Attenuation should be roughly 60 dB or less. See Section 3 below for more details.

Section 2 - Accessing the Event Logs

Step 4
Click on Broadband DSL Line on the top menu. Click on Log on the right menu. Select Connection and System from the Select a Log pull down.

Step 5
The log contains connection information and various statistics as shown.

Step 6
You can clear the current logs by clicking on Clear Log on the right menu. It is also reccommended that you print and/or save your logs for future troubleshooting by clicking on Printable/Savable Format on the right menu.

Section 3 - What do the numbers mean?

SN Margin (AKA Signal to Noise Margin or Signal to Noise Ratio)
Relative strength of the DSL signal to Noise ratio. 6dB is the lowest dB manufactures specify for modem to be able to synch. In some instances interleaving can help raise the noise margin to an acceptable level. The higher the number the better for this measurement.
6dB or below is bad and will experience no synch or intermittent synch problems
7dB-10dB is fair but does not leave much room for variances in conditions
11dB-20dB is good with no synch problems
20dB-28dB is excellent
29dB or above is outstanding

Line Attenuation
Measure of how much the signal has degraded between the DSLAM and the modem. Maximum signal loss recommendation is usually about 60dB. The lower the dB the better for this measurement.
20dB and below is outstanding
20dB-30dB is excellent
30dB-40dB is very good
40dB-50dB is good
50dB-60dB is poor and may experience connectivity issues
60dB or above is bad and will experience connectivity issues

CRC Errors (Cyclic Redundancy Check)
CRC is a method of detecting errors in data transmission. A high CRC count in inself is not really cause for alarm. However, any increase in CRC errors after your initial connection is established is a problem and usually points to a physical issue somewhere between the modem and the DSLAM. Isolate your inside wiring as a cause by testing from the NID and troubleshoot from there.

TX Power
How much power modem (upstream) or DSLAM (downstream) is using. Maximum recommended is about 15dB. The lower the power the better for this measurement.

DSL Rate
Your provisioned ATM Rate (actual service rate). If this number is lower than actual provisioning rate you have a physical problem preventing full bandwidth.

Andy Houtz

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • Older firmware versions can be found here: http://web.archive.org/web/20070320120612/http://www.fastaccess.drivers.bellsouth.net/firmware/

    2013-05-19 00:38:37 (justgold79 See Profile)

  • Hello, I misplaced the installation wizard CD (Wireless, 11g) for my 2nd PC at home. I have replaced it with another PC, thus I need the installation wizard again. Where can I buy? Can I download it and save it onto a disc? Any suggestions? Thanks, Art Alonso, captart4@bellsouth.net

    2010-01-07 00:37:44

  • Can i setup this router C90-327W for a ethernet connection? I mean, can i use it as an stand alone router whitout a dsl connection? How should i config the ethernet port 1 ass bridge instead of a PPPoP. Thanks. Mi mail is sanmartin@fibertel.com.ar

    2009-07-09 22:46:35

by FAQFixer See Profile
last modified: 2008-02-15 11:49:25