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FAQ Still Under Construction - Thanks for your understanding

This FAQ, as well as the BelSouth Westell 327W Help Page provides specific information pertaining only to the BellSouth Specific Westell 327W (Model C90-327W30-06).

This FAQ has three major sections
Section 1 - General Information
Section 2 - Network Connectivity
Section 3 - LED Status Display
Section 4 - Menu & Screen shots

Section 1 - General Information

Westell 327W (Wireless)
The Westell 327W has been shipping since the summer of 2005. It is the current wireless modem/router supplied to BellSouth residential customers who order the HomeNetworking service. It has both wireless (802.11g+) and ethernet (4 ports) connectivity. The BellSouth supplied 327W (model C90-327W30-06) is specifically designed with a unique firmware, interface, and features that are different from the standard retail 327W models. The modem has a router with a built in PPPoE client that eliminates the need for any connection software on the PC. Since it is a router, wired or wireless networking is easy. It can support G.DMT speeds up to 8 Mbps downstream and 800 Kbps upstream. It also supports ADSL2+ which can increase speeds up to 25Mbps (when it becomes available). This modem is supported by the Residential HelpDesk.

Section 2 - Network Connectivity

Pictures by Andy Houtz

Section 3 - LED Status Display

Section 4 - Menu & Screenshots

Easy Login Menu

Home Summary Menu

Broadband DSL Line Menu

Home Network Menu

Wireless Menu

Firewall & Password Menu

Diagnostics Menu

NOTE: Please do not use the Feedback option to post questions. They will not receive answers here. Post your questions in the appropriate forum.

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • If you're having trouble connecting a new computer to wireless, and have an old version of the firmware, you may need to upgrade. Worked for me on 1/20/12. Thanks!

    2012-01-20 18:11:13

  • It does have the ability but it may require some changes to the IP range depending on themodem model and what it can do. The better place to ask is in the specific ISP forum itself

    2009-06-16 14:57:45 (FAQFixer See Profile)

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by FAQFixer See Profile edited by KeysCapt See Profile
last modified: 2011-02-20 20:26:10