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BellSouth FastAccess offers a single static IP for residential service. BellSouth also offers single static or multi-static IPs for business class customers.

Residential Single Static IP Service
•Customers with residential service may get a single static IP address for an additional $14.95 per month. Older accounts that had the free static IP option are grandfathered and are not charged, but will lose the static if any account chnages are made.
• The WAN IP is not a static IP in a traditional sense; where you must hard code it to the router. It is dynamically assigned through your username via PPP, however it is always the same IP.
• Single static requires no special setup or configuration to the modem, router, or NIC. Use the standard FAQs and procedures to configure the equipment exactly the same way you would a dynamic PPP connection.
• Customers must configure their routers, modems, or NICs to automatically obtain the IP address. Do not try to hard code your WAN IP!
• The static IP is based on your username and the login format is username@bellsouth.net.

Business Single Static IP Service
•The single static offering is similar to the residential in setup and operation.
• The WAN IP is not a true static IP. It is dynamically assigned via PPP, however it is always the same IP.
• Single static requires no special setup of configuration to the modem, router, or NIC. Use the standard FAQs and procedures to configure the equipment exactly the same way you would for a dynamic PPP connection.
• Customers must configure their routers, modems, or NICs to automatically obtain the IP address. Do not try to hard code your WAN IP!
• Additional setup information is available here. Click on the Static IP link.
• The static IP is based on your username and the login format is username@bellsouth.net.

Business Multi-Static IP Service
Important Note: Please read this section carefully. BellSouth's multiple static IP service is a very complexed offering. It is different from multiple static services offered by other ISPs and requires a router (or routers) with specific capabilities and custom configurations. If you do not require multiple dedicated IPs for specific individual devices, then you should really use the single static IP service.
•Business customers are able to buy packages that can have a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 61 static IPs.
• Customer receives an assigned block of IPs from BellSouth that will include the usable static IPs as well as 3 additional IPs for:
1. Default Gateway
2. Subnet Address
3. Broadcast Address
• The WAN IP is dynamic and will change (this is normal). Your static IPs are bound to the dynamic WAN IP within the core network. Do not try to assign any of the static IPs to the WAN side of the router!
• Customers are required to run a compatible router (either supplied by BellSouth or the customer) that is capable of handling the desired number of IPs. The router must also be capable of PPPoE and must be able to create a "one to one" (or equivalent) NAT for each specific device.
• The static IPs are bound to your dynamic WAN IP based on your username and the login format is username@bellsouth.net.
• Configuration information is available via the BellSouth 3346/3347 Multi-Static Configuration Support FAQ.
• If you are experiencing authentication problems logging in using the username@bellsouth.net format then there is a problem and you should contact the HelpDesk. Due to a character limitation on Cayman routers running 6.3.0 R2 or earlier firmware, you will be required to update the firmware to 6.3.0 R7 or higher.
•Additional general router information is available via the Netopia 3346 BellSouth Business DSL Multi-Static User Guide.

Andy Houtz DSL

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by Andy Houtz See Profile edited by FAQFixer See Profile
last modified: 2009-09-05 23:00:04