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The TII splitter is designed to fit directly into an open slot in the NID. Homeruns created with splitters like the TII usually fall into one of two categories depending on the wiring required:
    1. Utilizing Existing IW (Inside Wiring) - The homerun is connected to an used spare pair that is already wired throughout the house.
    2. Utilizing New Dedicated Cat 5 Wiring - The homerun is connected to a completely new wire that is installed and dedicated just for DSL.

TII Internal Splitter

Pictures by Andy Houtz

Information on purchasing a TII splitter is available here or here. Additional general information about DSL/POTS splitters is available here.
Andy Houtz DSL

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by Andy Houtz See Profile edited by FAQFixer See Profile
last modified: 2006-12-27 22:15:22