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Finding and setting the correct MTU for your PC and router is one of the most important tweaks you can make to your network. An improper MTU can cause a multitude of problems ranging from email to browsing to using a VPN. When you set your MTU you must make sure the MTU is identical on all PC NICs and your router. To find your optimum MTU please click here.

*It is important to have the latest firmware. You can download D-Link firmware here.

Step 1
Open a browser session and enter "" in the address field to access the router interface.

Step 2
Enter "admin" (without quotes) in the Username Field. leave the Password blank unless you have previously set a password.

Step 3
Click on the WAN button from the vertical menu on the left. Enter the MTU that you obtained from the MTU Ping Test. Click Apply. The modem will restart.

You're finished.

Andy Houtz

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by Andy Houtz See Profile
last modified: 2003-11-26 09:03:35