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IFITL (Integrated Fiber In The Loop) is a 10Mb ethernet connection and does not require a DSL modem. It does however require a PPPoE client for connectivity. You can use a stand alone client such as BellSouth Connection Agent, RasPPPoE, or the native PPPoE client on Windows XP on the computer. You can also use a router as shown here.

IFITL requires a specialized, dedicated 10Base-T Protector and IFITL EBN (Entrance Bridge Network) be placed inside the customer's NID. Since IFITL installation use a completely separate line there is no need for inline microfilters on the POTS devices.

Important Note: IFITL also requires a crossover be built into the wiring before the NIC. The guidelines for placing the crossover varies and can be wired at the 10base-T protector, the IFITL EBN, or the wall plate inside the house. Most (but not all) technicians rewire the wall plate as the crossover point so standard CAT5 wiring can be used between the wall plate and the NIC or router (if present).

Pictures by Andy Houtz

Andy Houtz DSL

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by Andy Houtz See Profile edited by FAQFixer See Profile
last modified: 2006-12-27 22:09:06