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Best Filter Installation Advice:
Due to basic differences in design, it is best to consult the installation instructions and diagrams provided by your ISP or filter manufacturer. It is critical that you install the filters correctly. Failure to do so will create poor performance and speeds. It may even keep the modem from synching at all.

Typically, there are two common types of DSL filters:
Dual Line Filter - One line input and two outputs. One output is marked "Phone" and is used to connect to all POTS devices. The other ouput is marked "DSL/HPN" or "Data" and is used to connect the DSL modem.
Single Line Filter - One line input and one phone only output. The single output marked "Phone" is used to connect to all POTS devices (not modems).

Andy Houtz DSL

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • A dual line filter means its designed for a two lines (not that it has two jacks)..Single line 1 line system

    2011-02-11 13:39:28

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last modified: 2009-02-18 12:02:43