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DDClient, is easily configurable to support BroadbandReports monitoring. Follow the INSTALLATION instructions, edit /etc/ddclient.conf to add an entry that looks like

protocol=broadbandreports1, \
server=www.broadbandreports.com, \
login=myloginname, \

Then you can setup the rest of the program.

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • This seems to work with ddclient. However, ddclient doesn't use SSL by default, so it connects with http first, then switches to https. Kinda lame. protocol=dslreports1, \ server=www.dslreports.com, \ login=myloginname, \ password=thepassword, unique-ID

    2012-09-11 22:00:07 (justbits See Profile)

Expand got feedback?

edited by Mike See Profile
last modified: 2004-04-07 15:16:31