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The dyndns.com support page has links to a number of clients for various operating systems.

We have only currently tested operation with windows clients: Dynamic DNS 4.0 (dyndns.zip), DeeEnEs and the DynSite client but our Mac/OS X users also recommend dyndns.com and OpenDNS.

If you have a client that supports plugins, just copy and modify whatever dyndns.org config file it comes with, changing the update url to www.dslreports.com/nic, and thats it!

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • If you using a DVR,NVR or router there is a option to use dyndns.org service, but before you use the service you must creat an account with dyndns.org, www.dvrunlimited.com can help in this matter if using security camera system

    2013-09-08 19:43:14 (dvrunlimited See Profile)

  • Here's an update based on what I had to do. I hope you can test this procedure, or at least warn people that ymmv. DSLReports PPPoe FAQ: 1) Go to Dyn.com and create an account, then sign up for the “DynDNS Pro 14-day free trial”. You will need to register by giving them a major credit card, but your card will not be billed for 14 days, and you can cancel within that time. You will be asked to enter your choice of a hostname. As a reward for trying their service, you are allowed to use one DNS host, which will remain active as long as you log in to your Dyn.com account monthly. 2) Download the DynUpdater DNS client. Run it and enter your Dyn.com member name and password. Click on “Refresh host list”. The host you just created will appear in the “Dynamic DNS Hosts” box. Check the box by your new host. Note the “Current IP address” value; if it is blank, click on “Refresh”. 3) On the DSLReports line monitor setup page, put your current IP in the 'monitor this static IP' box, click the dynamic IP box, and enter the Dyn.com hostname in the 'ip from this dns' box Now, your computer or network communicates with Dyn.com to tell it your current IP, and DSLReports gets that from the hostname.

    2013-03-04 19:33:12 (Scott Heath See Profile)

Expand got feedback?

edited by mjf See Profile
last modified: 2010-03-18 17:27:38