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The Westell DGN Icon aka Westell Modem Browser is a utility that will allow you, an owner of a product and a subscriber to a service to have some gauge of the actual performance of your modem.

It can be found here: »Westell Equipment Forum FAQ »Where can I find the Westell Diagonstic Icon (Modem Browser Utility) .

Along with the firmware and tranceiver revision, it will display:

a) DSL signal levels including noise margin, output power and attenuation. It will also display your "actual" ATM sync level, ie provisioning.

b) ATM Rx and Tx traffic cell count including counters for invalid and dropped cells, OAM pings (control cell count), encapsulation type, AAL PDU metrics and Ethernet frame statistics.

c) Error counters include FEC, HEC, CRC, Sync loss, Frame loss and others.

d) It will not display the maximum attainable sync on your line, only it's current provisioning, however by looking at the DSL signal levels you can get a rough idea of how your line stacks up. This utility will not replace a test kit or an EWL and isn't meant to.

All of the above is loggable to a standard ascii, comma deliniated log which is easily graphed or further processed.



Simply connect your Westell directly to your PC's Ethernet card and execute the above "diagnostic.exe"


Once installed, don't forget to use ** CTRL-ALT-F7 ** to reveal several "hidden" tabs, the signal levels and error counters, so forth.

I strongly suggest reading the following threads before trying to install or interpret any results from this cool little program:

Main Thread
»Westell DGNIcon (Modem Browser)

Some more material
»Westell Diags
»Westell Diagnostic Icon
»Westell Diagnostic Icon

PS -
Yes the program works with C90's :) Please solicit further help in the forum.

Expand got feedback?

by sashwa See Profile
last modified: 2012-02-29 21:32:47