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Verizon. Should I leave my PC on and leave Verizon connected? How about the dsl modem? Should it always be on to?
I was also wondering about a firewall.

It's a personal choice on what you want to leave running. I definitely would not leave it on without a firewall.
Verizon Online encourages the use of a personal firewall. It isn't against the TOS to make use of one.
As long as your modem is well ventilated, you can leave it on 24/7. If you want to turn it off, go right ahead.
If being connected to the Internet while not being around makes you nervous, then by all means disconnect or turn off your modem.
All interested in the security of your broadband connection should visit the DSLR Security forum.

FAQ by kadar

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • I have the Westell 7500 modem/router combo from Verizon. When I power the unit on after it has been off, It can sometimes take up to two minutes or so for everything to sync and be ready to connect again. Also, there have been several times when the "Internet" LED did not light-up (even after the "Power" and "DSL" LEDS did). When this happens, I have found that simply powering the unit off and then on again solves the problem.

    2012-05-23 00:53:12 (Caveat See Profile)

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by edited by kadar See Profile
last modified: 2002-08-26 17:50:30