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The 6100 is a modem/router combination unit, meaning it contains a DSL modem and a general purpose NAT (Network Address Translation) router. "Bridging" means disabling both the public and private side of the NAT router, thereby turning the 6100 into a simple DSL-to-Ethernet bridge, or "dumb modem".

If you are already using a router, or want to, (examples: if you already have your LAN set up and simply need to connect it to the internet; or you want to add wireless connectivity to your connection; or you want to use an optimised-for-gaming router; or you want to add a VoIP router), you will want to bridge the 6100.

For optimum performance and reliability the connection should only be going through one NAT router. When the connection goes through multiple NAT routers, troubles like NAT conflicts will cause router lock ups and loss of connectivity, and configuring access for things like game consoles, VPN tunnels, remote access, server applications, security cameras, or high-end multiplayer games will be difficult if not impossible.

Virtually all Westells with a GUI used the white & blue "Westell" branded firmware until sometime in 2007. I believe version 4 was the last white & blue firmware. The red & black "Verizon" branded firmware was rolled out in 2007. You may be running version 5 or 6.

When the Westell is bridged, it will have no router functions at all, no subnet, no IP, and no default gateway. The router connected to the Westell will acquire and hold the Public IP address and will determine the LAN IP addresses and subnet.

The Westell 6100 modem/router supplied by Verizon can be used in either Router or Bridge mode. If you are already using a router, or want to, you need to put the modem in Bridge mode or you'll have problems. These instructions apply to the Westell 2200, 6100, 6100F, 327W, and 7500 models.

• You should follow these instructions with one PC connected to the Westell using the supplied Ethernet cable (CAT5 or CAT5e) and that you are online and able to browse to various web sites. If you already had a LAN setup and were online but needed to replace your modem, temporarily connect one PC directly to the Westell using the supplied Ethernet cable before continuing.

• Temporarily turn off all firewalls and pop-up blockers on the PC.

• In your browser's address box, type to access the Modem Configuration utility. When asked for user name and password, enter your router's username and password (the default for the Verizon issued routers is typically "user=admin, password=password").

• Here you may get a screen titled User Settings, this is asking you to change the username and password for the Westell, invent and enter a username and a password, (record these somewhere so you don't forget them).

If your Westell uses the white and blue Westell firmware:
• Now, from the Configuration menu, choose VC configuration, hit the top Edit button. In the popup, set protocol to Bridge.

• Then below in VC 1 Bridge Settings set the mode to Bridge.Early 6100

• Hit Set VC. Save.

• Then, again in the Configuration menu, select DHCP Configuration and set the dropdown to OFF. Hit save and log off the utility.

• Most people don't need any more complex procedures, so try these first. However, on occasion, you will need some additional steps, including cloning MAC addresses. If you have trouble, check out the diagrams and instructions here: »mysite.ncnetwork.net/res ··· 6100.htm

If your Westell uses the red and black Verizon firmware:
Click for full size
(Wireless Settings won't be there on the 6100 or 6100F, the left panel may be called "My Modem")
• Select the My Network icon, then select Network Connections from the left menu.

Click for full size
(Only the top two connections will be listed in the 6100 and 6100F)
• On the Broadband Connection screen click on the words "(Broadband Connection DSL)".

Click for full size

• PPPoE customers will see this screen. If you use a DHCP type Internet connection the screen will be different, you will have a "release" button in the top section - use it now to release your public IP. Then, locate the VCs section, locate the line " Enabled, VPI 0, and VCI 35 ..." and click the notepad icon under Edit on the right to get to the VC 1 Configuration screen.

Click for full size

• In the VC 1 Configuration screen open the drop down box beside "Protocol" and choose "Bridge". If your connection type is DHCP the Protocol should already be "Bridge". Once Bridge is chosen, the screen will change open the drop down box beside "Bridge Mode" and choose "Bridge", then click the Apply button at the bottom. This has disabled the Public side of the 6100's router.

Click for full size

• The modem will reset. Next you need to disable the Private side, the DHCP server - click the My Network icon again, click Network Connections from the left menu again. On the Broadband Connection screen, click the word "Lan", on the next screen remove the topmost checkmark (Private LAN DHCP Server enable), click apply or save settings.

Click for full size

• The same page will return. The Westell is now bridged, the Internet light will no longer light, log off the utility.

Back to common steps:
• Power down and disconnect the PC from the Westell.

• Connect the Ethernet cable from the Westell to the port on your router labeled WAN, (or Internet). Connect an Ethernet cable from one of the LAN ports of your router to your PC. Power up the Westell, wait for the DSL light to stop blinking then power up your router, then the PC. When the PC boots up your firewalls and pop-up blockers may be re-enabled, it may be necessary to turn them off again.

• Skip this next step if you've already been using your router to supply PPPoE with your username and password.

• If your router came with a setup disk insert it now, otherwise open a web browser and access the Router's GUI, usually at, or, or If the router has a Setup Wizard use it, otherwise manually configure the router for your Internet connection type. (Note: most routers default to "Automatic" which is DHCP). If you connect via PPPoE you will need to supply your Verizon Username and Password so the router can acquire a Public IP address, if you connect via DHCP you may also need to use the router's MAC cloning feature, enter the MAC address from the Westell's label and your router will use it to acquire a Public IP address.

• Test that you can browse to some safe web pages, then turn your firewalls and pop-up blockers back on.

For a Westell E90-610015-06, try the instructions in this post.

With thanks to Bytebender See Profile for assistance.

Please use the feedback link below only to suggest improvements to this FAQ. If you have questions about this FAQ, please post them in the »Verizon DSL forum.

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • You need to setup a Static LAN IP on their computer otherwise the step that says "The same page will return." will not happen after you disable the DHCP Server in the modem combo (un-checking Private LAN DHCP Server enable). -> To make life easier: After you do after you disable the DHCP Server in the modem combo (un-checking Private LAN DHCP Server enable), the modem is bridged - assuming that you followed all of other the steps too.

    2017-09-13 08:13:05 (aefstoggaflm See Profile)

  • Awesome post... Saved the Day after an hour of fruitless effort trying to add a wireless router... Many Thanks !!

    2015-04-16 23:50:29

  • Great write-up. It helped me quite a bit in setting up my Verizon Westell 6100 and Airlink101 AR680W. I upgrated my Airlink firmware to 1.01 which is available in their website. I setup the Westell per the above instruction using the Black/Red verizon firmware instruction. Also, I setup the PPPoE per the instruction but this didn't do the trick. I also tried with and without the @verizon.net in the user name, still no dice. In th e end, I just left out the @verizon.net in the User Name field. Alas, this still didn't work until I went back to the Dynamic IP (DHCP) setup and simply hit Apply. Boom, I was able to connect to the internet. The setup for PPPoE is still there, so I'm not sure which setting is used. I did hit the Apply button to set the PPPoE data I entered as evident by the presense of the data when I went back to PPPoe setup. Note, for PPPoE setup I entered Westell MAC Address also, per the above instruction. Thanks fo the great how-to.

    2015-02-23 00:16:25

  • Thank you so much man!!!! Idk why I didn't need to do this before or why it fixed it now but it worked and I have wifi again!

    2014-10-07 16:50:13

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by gwion See Profile edited by More Fiber See Profile
last modified: 2011-01-12 17:40:06