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The Bridge Upgrade (Westell Software Installation Utility) is a field upgrade to enable ADSL modems to support the following functions:

Configurable PVC (VPI/VCI values)
Support for 8 PVCs
Configurable Bridge Filters
Configurable Peak Cell Rate (PCR)
Forward Broadcast
Forward IP Multicast

The package comes with different firmware depending on the model:
A90 -> 1.10.0
B90 -> 6.0.8

It will make no noticeable difference with your throughput.
Make sure you have TCP/IP protocol so it can communicate with the modem and disable the firewall. Also, be sure to remove any routers, you want to be connected from the computer directly to the modem.
For the software to be able to see the modem, you must set the IP / Netmask of the computer you're running the upgrade from to /

You will able to go back to the old firmware when using the uninstall feature of the Westell utility manager, the same utility that installed the firmware. The utility did not flash the old firmware but retained it, Westell must have thought about this and it makes sense for recovery purposes. Do Not upgrade the modem twice, it will negate the back out procedure.

Firmware is available here:
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FAQ by kadar

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    2008-05-07 15:30:27 (sashwa See Profile)

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by edited by kadar See Profile
last modified: 2002-08-26 17:37:42